30 April 2013This time from Labour......
After all the noise and hoo-ha around the welfare changes Labour Shadow Minister Stephen Timms describes the coalition changes as 'a fine idea'. Another Labour shadow, Liam Byrne has also signaled Labour's retreat from opposing this legislation.
Better late to the party than never.... But I suppose it is coming up to an election and they know they are on to a vote loser when it comes to opposing these changes.
But it takes more than this to make Labour anything approaching a credible opposition. For one thing they are going to have to sort out something approaching an economic policy if they have any hope of fooling people into voting for another economically catastrophic Labour government.
They will also have to get a leader who is rather better at pretending some degree of competence than Milliminor is capable of. His car-crash interview on Radio 4 yesterday was a classic. Keep it up Milliminor, oh how I look forward to the leader debates at the next general election....
It is not only Labour who are in trouble though.
UKIP also have a long, long, way to go to get anything like credibility. Their policies read like a dream shopping list for traditional Tories like myself but a shopping list is all it will ever be, totally unaffordable. They will do well though, as a home for those who insist on voting but cannot bring themselves to make a real choice and prefer to dodge hard decisions and vote for no-hopers.
I get the idea that Ed M is taller than Dave C. Not that this and similar differentiations will count for much.
Dave wasn't convinced that election debates would be held come the next election, the last time I heard him speak on this point.
UKIP, in all probability, will not be in a position to represent a Party of Government at the next election either, but as there are about eleven Partys represented in the HoCs and a whole host of 'protest' Partys that attract votes the policies of UKIP cannot be ignored.
Lastly, might the 'success' of Coalition Government detract somewhat from calls for a overall majority being necessary, or indeed desirable?