8 January 2014Lets see......
.. Car sales up 11%
.. House Prices up 8%
.. British Chamber of Commerce survey shows manufacturing confidence and orders are the highest since 1988
.. Citi forecast over 3% growth this year, much better than Osborne's expectation
.. Employment at a record high
This year it is also predicted that, for the first time since Labour drove the economy so deeply into this crisis, living standards are set to rise.
Yet we still have some serious challenges ahead that threaten the long term recovery.
The government has not yet closed the deficit and is still spending far too much. Borrowing cannot be reduced until the deficit is closed. Yes improved economic growth will help close the deficit but there remains a need to cut back spending and we must welcome Osborne's renewed attack on spending with a further round of £25billion cuts. It is a pity he did not cut more, earlier, if he had we would now be in an even better position than we are now.
We remain far too highly taxed and our tax system is in desperate need of reform. Simple, low and flat taxes are needed to boost economic growth and establish a fairer more sustainable economy.
Also we need a constitutional mechanism to stop future irresponsible governments from buying votes, spending, taxing and borrowing excessively. Government spending needs to be capped to a maximum percentage of GDP.
Remember, all government spending is derived from the private sector and represents a burden that holds back business. The most dynamic competitor economies have public spending at under 35% of GDP sitting alongside flexible labour markets. It is just unacceptable for British governments to hamstring the economy by spending, as Brown did, 53% of our GDP. No wonder we got in such a mess with 47% of the economy paying for 53% of it.
British public spending remains appallingly high at a little under 50% of GDP and needs to be brought down by the end of the next Parliament to less than the 35% of GDP level.
If governments want to spend more then it should only be possible to be taken from an increase in GDP not by sucking in more of our GDP which also ends up creating a spiral of decline forcing down our GDP, in other words depleting the wealth of the country. Such a rule limiting the amount a government can spend would have an electrifying effect on the way we are governed that would massively benefit the whole nation encouraging the right priorities and better government.
gidions sucsess can only measurd if no one person is using a food banks and have a 10% surpless at the end of the month.