Business for Britain.... new poll

2 November 2013

The CBI, representing large companies, has always been pro-EU while organisations representing smaller businesses and the Institute of Directors have been Eurosceptic.

For the first time there has been a business poll taken on a scientific basis from representative samples across British businesses from micro to mega sized concerns.

The conclusion is that businesses want a trade area without all the baggage the EU entails,.  They want a referendum on renegotiated terms and consider the costs of membership outweigh any advantages gained and that includes a majority of the CBI members who expressed an opinion....

Over regulation and protectionism are key problems identified.

The EU issue will not go away and the longer we have been members the more distrust and resentment builds up against it.  This is the direct opposite of what the pro-EU lobby thought would happen early in our membership.  The anti-democratic, anti-freedom, expensive, corrupt and incompetent EU is the author of its own eventual demise.
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