
14 January 2013

..back in the headlines...

Cameron is to make his big EU speech soon and it seems everyone is getting in on the act before he does.

In the build up to the big speech Cameron has been doing 'his bit' for the coalition and in trying to come across all 'moderate' in a way that suits the BBC Eurofanatics.  It matters not a jot whether he actually believes the more pro-European elements of his statements the simple fact is that the British relationship with the EU is going to change, dramatically.   

Either we will simply be out all together or we will have a renegotiated relationship with the EU.  Personally I would like a 'common market' relationship enabling free trade whether that is 'out' or as some kind of associated membership outside the main political body of the EU is immaterial.   What will not happen is carrying on as we are or as part of the 'ever closer union.  Unless, of course, we get stitched up by the Eurofanatics by a yes/no vote that ends up locking us  forever.

I have always said that it will be the Conservative Party that will get us out of the EU fascist superstate and that will be a fact.  The latest survey of Conservative members shows that only 6% support either the status quo or more integration while 78% want us either out or in a looser common market either of which will see us outside the 'ever closer union' and the main political structures.

As for those saying we must stay in - Heseltine among them, remember these are the people who said we should join the Euro.  Imagine what a disaster that would have been.  Wrong then and wrong now - yesterdays men who should stay that way.
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