28 January 2013...is something the newspapers should learn.
We had the Grauniad, the bible of the left, claiming that Boris Johnson is urging Osborne to end his austerity programme. Simply not true, he said what I said recently that Osborne should change the language.
Then, of course this weekend we have stories about Tory plots to oust Cameron.
Again - not true. Cameron is secure in his leadership and will lead the Party into the next election, indeed ever since his speech at the Party Conference Cameron has been returning steadily to the Conservative mainstream and his Europe speech cemented that.
Adam Afriyie is a very clever man and is most certainly on the shortlist of those who may one day lead the Conservative Party, alongside Boris, Gove and Jessie Norman. But he is no plotter and no 'stalking horse', indeed the rules have changed since the days of 'the stalking donkey Meyer' and no such stalking horse is now needed.
The original 'stalking horse' or rather 'donkey'.... Sir Anthony Meyer.;
Perhaps this whole episode of press speculation was started by someone out to ruin Adam's chances, perhaps it was a story planted by Labour. We may never know, but there is one man who's leadership deserves to be under the spotlight, Milliminor, but lets hope that spotlight stays away from him and that he leads Labour into the election. Cameron must be counting on that.