29 March 2013...The OECD says that the UK has returned to growth identifying the service sector as being particularly strong.
This is, of course, good news and the UK compares well with the Eurozone's zombie economies. Compared to them we are having a boom.
But it remains fragile and life is still very difficult for businesses including those in the Services Sector. There is not much for the government to boast about as much more needs to be done to accelerate and embed a growth trajectory. Tax reform and tax cuts, supply side reforms and faster, deeper public spending cuts are all needed.
It's funny how, in the area of true nutrition, much work is still being done to make the unpalatable palatable, and with some success.
"Sweeter broccoli launched to help children eat their greens"
"Dealing With Fussy Toddlers: Make Mealtime Fun; Eat Your Own Vegetables...;Hide the Vegetables"
And finally...
"Bribing children to eat their greens really DOES work (but don't offer them ice cream)"
A lesson here for us all in how to collect more tax, out-Fox the sly...You know it's good for you.