9 January 2013... for my main investment conference in The City.
Over the next couple of days I will be meeting with economists and fund managers and hearing what they are saying about the world's economic prospects. This is very different to a political conference as this is not just waffle, this is serious stuff. It is a chance to look behind the headlines and see the broader picture, sometimes we get a very different picture of the economy to that portrayed by politicians in the media.
It is this difference between what politicians say and do compared with reality that got me thinking today.
Back in the 'olden days' - 20 years ago, we were told that it would all be OK if the Bank of England were given their independence to run interest rate policy instead of it being controlled by the politicians. We all know how badly that turned out - politicians after all set the terms of that independence and got it wrong. What with screwing up fiscal policy as well we are all truly paying for the mistakes of politicians.
I sometimes think that it would be better if all economic decision making were taken out of the hands of politicians all together. With our political leaders being banned from setting tax and spend policy, banned from setting deficit budgets of more than a certain level and banned from interfering in interest rate setting. The problem here though of course, as just like 1997 and Bank of England independence, politicians would still be setting the terms and we can be certain they would mess it up.
The brief for the economy should be growth and prosperity with clear limits on what politicians can take from it so they cannot screw it up. We all depend ultimately on the wealth generated by the economy. If politicians want to spend more then we need economic growth to cover the extra cost, not just have the money taken from us in extra taxes.
Spending money is the easy bit, we can all have our pet projects to spend it on. Buying popularity is just so easy for politicians and even when that spending is on something worthy, unless UK PLC can afford it in a sustainable way, then the benefits of that spending is just an illusion. We see this now with the way the excessive spend, spend, spend mentality of those terrible 13 years of Labour rule have driven the economy into the ground.
Warren Buffet (above) spoke himself on such a theme recently. He said the deficit problem could be solved if politicians were to be kicked out of office if ever the deficit were to rise over a set (very low...) level.... He is right - politicians are to blame for all our economic ills so why on earth are so many people so keen to just place more and more power and influence in their hands? We should be limiting their capacity to do damage.