24 April 2013According to news reports Cameron is thinking about suspending us from the European Court of Human Rights in order to extradite Qatada. Something here is simply not right. Perhaps the news story is not accurate but if there is any truth in it then such a move would be wrong.Above: Qatada, sheer evil.
Either we should be part of the European Court or not. There cannot be any half-way house. To suspend our membership over a single individual is absurd.
In my view the European Court long ago lost its original laudable objectives into defending the trivial and the rights of terrorists. This alone justifies our complete withdrawal from this organisation on the basis that membership is no longer compatible with the human rights and safety of the British people.
That though is not enough though. We also need to get rid of Labour's Human Rights Act, what was without doubt the worse piece of legislation ever to be passed by the UK parliament. Rights without responsibilities are not rights at but licence to trample over the rights of others. We had rights before the 1997 Act, we had rights in the UK before the ECHR, we led the world over the freedom of individuals and in just law, we do not need either the HRA or ECHR for this.
As for Qatada, he should just be put on a plane and sent to Jordan. What happens to him should only be a matter for the Jordanian authorities and all we should care about is keeping this evil man out of the UK. If that means quitting the European Court of Human Rights, then so be it, if that means we have to quit the EU (ECHR membership being a condition of EU membership), then so be it. We would be killing many birds with one stone.
Worrying about what would happen to him in Jordan is racist and xenophobic, can't we trust the savages to behave properly?