3 November 2012...is in the news and pretty much as usual for all the wrong reasons.
The EU Commission lives in a different world to the rest of us. It is one where they are the most important people in the universe and in which their dictates can never be wrong. They see themselves as the font of all European good and wisdom. Those who disagree are wild extremists and any defiance of their wishes by the common herd is not tolerated.
This truth is clearly demonstrated by their repeated demands to increase their budget and spend more money. National governments may have to be cutting back on their excessive expenditure, the economy is in serious trouble and the Euro causing chaos and destruction in the EU's slave states in the south. But they, the EU commission's will and the 'great European project' must come first. They must increase their budget to be paid for by nation states even despite all else.
The EU is a despicable organisation. Bullying, lying, corrupt, incompetent, all of these are accurate descriptions of this organisation.
We are told that we 'must be at the heart of European decision making' that we must 'work with our European partners' that co-operation and good will are important. Balderdash - it does not work, it has not worked in the past and will not work in the future.
The only real and significant success we have had in European diplomacy was when Mrs T swung her handbag and got Britain a rebate. Forget the Major opt-outs, that was caving in and a treaty too far.
The only way with the EU is to treat them in the manner it deserves. That swinging handbag. Gum up their works with a veto, refuse to co-operate, tell them some home truths. Shatter the EU complacency and make life much harder for them.
Make them want to kick us out or, at least make them want to renegotiate the terms of Britain's membership and to repatriate powers back to the UK. Make them want to give us what we really want, a Swiss-like arrangement. Make life impossible for them if they do not. That is what we should be doing.
That cannot be done while LibDems are part of the government but think this. The Conservative Party is no longer split between a pro-EU wing and Euroscepticism. The split is between those who want us out of the EU and those who want less EU interference. The Europhiles in the Conservative Party are a spent force of old men who have had their day.
The rebellion this week shows the strength of feeling on the Conservative benches. Do not imagine a rebellion of nearly 20% of the Conservative MPs is a small thing, it is far from that given the power and patronage of the Whips Office and Leader. No-one has a chance of being selected to stand as an MP by a Conservative panel who declares him or herself to be pro-EU. Only degrees of Euroscepticism stands a chance with the loudest cheers for those who are most anti EU. A Conservative Government with an overall majority will have no choice but to tackle the EU problem head-on. Things will then be very interesting.
"[see themselves as] the most important people in the universe"
"Those who disagree are wild extremists and any defiance of their wishes by the common herd is not tolerated."
From 'Downing Street Gate-gate', to the incessant dismissal of any and all dissent on these pages; clearly having two Conservative Blocs is one too many, or to be fair to myself, at least one too many.
"Bullying, lying, corrupt, incompetent"
While it would be unfair to single-out the Tories here they do have their place, call it their self inflicted harm or merely their poorly managed concealment of long-established practice, unseemly in our modern world. For a political Party any attempt at denial could only serve to ram the point home.
But, you pays your money and you takes your choice. At least with the EU they have not attempted to claim a fixed-term for themselves.
The sugar-coated Emetic of the EEC has morphed into a hard to swallow pill, not because it's aims have altered, but because it's prescription has it's prescribers names upon it.
Those who dealt it now smell it.
Yet, all in all, I cannot but agree. The EU should reconfigure itself, re-ground itself. Not with any new inter-Governmental relationship, but one more Democratic and accountable to the general electorate. The EU should not be brought back into line with Party Political wishes, but should work first and foremost for it's Electorate. It's grant of citizenship to the people of the UK should not be sacrificed upon the altar of some Global-Economic tax-exempt Plutocracy, home grown or otherwise.