11 February 2013.... How much longer are the British people going to put up with, by the developed world standards, a second rate health service?
That is exactly what the 'revered and worshipped' NHS provides. The repeated failures of the NHS, the latest being the shocking Mid-Staffs scandal, are only the tip of the iceberg.
The NHS is a failing system and no government has the courage to do what is needed with it. Get rid of it.
A monolithic state funded health system is not the only way for health-care to be provided 'free at the point of delivery'. This could also be true of an insurance funded state-backed system with privatised medical facilities.
The problem in this country is the status of the NHS as some kind of god-figure. Any suggestion by a politician of even the mildest reforms are met by accusations and claims. For as long as that is the case things will never get better.
No-one wants a USA style system in the UK but there are other excellent models for a new British health system we can follow in Europe if only we had the guts to admit that the NHS is a failure and needs to be replaced.
The British people deserve better than the NHS is able to provide.
Fess-up Baz, you have something to sell.
You have something to sell, and yet can find little to say about your product.
"Any suggestion by a politician of even the mildest reforms are met by accusations and claims."
The above is two things rolled into one, both nonsense.
-Every suggestion by a Politician is to be met by distrust and disbelief. This is the very basis of our systems of Government and Law.
-...and claims. The NHS has not, in any way shape or form, got to where it is today without the 'assistance' of Governments over the years. The present issue of Mid-Staffs is yet another instance of Government 'help'. This is no mere claim.
[as soon as you can fix the graphic above I'll come back for another stab at your drive(l) to increase your business]