28 May 2013...'the enemy within'?
By which I refer to what have been dubbed the 'hate preachers' who set out to pervert young minds to the Jihadist cause.
There were suggestions over the weekend of more laws to stop them getting the publicity they so desire. The appalling way the BBC allowed apologists for murder air-time, being cited as the reason. New laws something like the gagging laws placed on IRA spokesmen at the height of the troubles' were suggested.
There is no doubt at all that there is a real problem with these people but is this the right thing to do?
I suspect not.
The IRA gagging orders were ineffective and acted as a recruiting sergeant for them. To give the Islamists crazies the same kind of recruitment boost would be madness.
Better that they are challenged openly by other decent muslim clerics on our screens and be shown up for what they are. Pure evil. Driving them deeper underground claiming some kind of persecuted status will boost their cause.
Then, of course, the worse of them like that hook-handed monster pictured need to be kicked out of the country regardless of what happens to them there.