What if Scotland votes to leave...

23 November 2013

I am, by instinct, a Unionist supporting the union between Britain and Scotland.  

But, with the referendum campaign continuing, I really should ask myself whether I really should be sorry if the Scots vote for independence.

Lets face it, there would be many advantages to an independent Scotland.

First of all we can have warship building firmly back in England....  Then there is all the tax subsidy that goes to Scotland, that will certainly chop off a big slice of our deficit while, of course, the Scots would have to take over and service a fair share of the debt.

Then there is the political landscape, it will be changed forever.  A lot of Labour and Nationalist MPs will disappear from Westminster and the prospects for a Labour government, or even a Lib-Lab government will be massively reduced.   In addition the chances of our exit from the EU will increase enormously.    Yes, an independent Scotland has considerable attractions.

An Independent Scotland would certainly result in a more prosperous and independent Britain much less likely to be cursed by Labour governments.

Now, just a thought:
England + Wales = Britain
England + Wales + Scotland = Great Britain
England + Wales + Scotland + Northern Ireland = United Kingdom

So what would the United Kingdom without Scotland then be called?
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