What next......

3 August 2013

I have written about the silly season already and, right now, there is little that gives any real inspiration in the news.

But what is to come.....  what can we look forward to.

2014 will be the last full year before we get a general election.   There will be European Parliament elections during that year which will be the biggest test of public opinion nearly a year before the big day.  But, of course, it will not actually say much about what will happen in the Westminster election.

But there are clues and historical precedent to look to.....

Over that year we will see a steadily strengthening economy with only outside shocks to worry about.  Precedent tells us that, in most elections, it is the economy that will determine the outcome so the coalition parties, in that sense, will be well placed.

It is also true to say that Labour should be much further ahead in the polls than they are at this stage in a parliament for them the be able to win.  People remember and will not forget, their mishandling of the economy over those terrible 13 years.  Milliminor is also correctly seen as weak.  The Unions are perceived as having far too much influence over Labour, again quite correctly.  Recent attempts to whitewash the Labour/Union settlement has been seen through for what it is.  They are not well positioned to win with only the electoral boundaries remaining in their favour to help.

So the economy will help the coalition parties but what of the component parties.  This is where issues unrelated to the economy will 'tell' and in their there is not much hope for the LibDems.

On Human Rights and on the EU they are seen at odds with public opinion.  Indeed even when it comes to the economy they can justifiably be accused of holding back and slowing the recovery acting as they have as road-blocks to supply-side reform.

The LibDems will also no longer attract their traditional protest vote having been tainted by being in government.   Also the meek and timid who want to avoid the responsibility of electing a government will not support them again.  In both cases UKIP will gain.

So over to UKIP - I can confidently predict that they will not win a single Westminster seat.  Yes they will gain some protest votes but the traditional Tory right will not want to risk a Labour or Labour/LibDem government and will vote Conservative not UKIP in a 'real' election.   Specially if Cameron, freed from the malign influence of the LiDems, offers some real 'red meat' over the EU and Human Rights.

Cameron though would be well advised to ditch the LibDems during the course of 2014 to re-establish the Conservatives individual identity and to govern through to the election as a minority government.

2014 will be an interesting year with everything to play for.....
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