5 January 2013...the 'left' and the Labour Party in particular....
It used to be the case where it was only the big high profile issues on which the left were demonstrably wrong but it is most certainly true on all the small things as well. Small things need not be unimportant either....
Take the 'left wing firebrand' Diane Abbot, she who sent her children to private school having wanted to deny the privilege to everyone else. She has now admitted the 'left' were wrong in their social policies that undermined the family. It is the left's idiotic social engineering going right back to the 60's that have left this country in such a sorry state. She has also now spoken out in favour of school uniforms!!! Something else that was undermined by foolish left wing theories over many years.
The left really are utterly despicable.
In government they wreck the economy with their insane spend, spend, spend policies funded by excessive borrowing and suicidally high taxation. They undermine the work ethic, taking money off hard working people and giving it to others to sit on their fat backsides.
They wreck the social fabric of the country, in and out of government, with their warped and perverted undermining of the family.
They steal our very country and give it to anyone who wants to come here with their open door immigration policies.
They do all they can to help foreign murderers, rapists and terrorists to stay here with their insane Human Rights Act.
They destroy education with their perverted theories of 'equality' - prizes for all....
They even hate our very history and all that made Britain great.
They condemn the British people to a second rate health system - by promoting the myth and god-like status of the NHS.
Yes - on everything the left are wrong. Stupid, foolish, naive and most certainly ignorant. That is the left for you and the Labour Party in particular.