28 August 2007All previous frontpage features can of course be found in our vibrant magazine section, see panel.
This beautiful picture was sent in by Doverforum stalwart Thomas 'Guzzler' Mitchell and it was taken at the Lydd Airshow which took place at the weekend (Sept 1/2). If ever there could be a gentle picture of warplanes then this is surely it. It is both beautiful and tranquil all at the same time, although actually the planes were designed for deadly encounter. The picture re-enacts a war footing with a Sopwith Triplane coming in for the kill on a Fokker triplane, shot against a sky very similar to those so often depicted in the aero paintings of old. Many thanks Guzzler its a cracking shot. Love this one.
Well we had a truly gorgeous visitor over the late summer bank holiday weekend, and here it is. It slipped into the harbour quietly like those ghostly ships of yore, a schooner, silent, brooding, beautiful. It stayed for just a few hours and lingered in the bay part of the harbour, soothing its sea ruffled feathers perhaps and at the same time soaking up the nice weather. There were many visitors enjoying the Dover seafront at the time, so many will have seen the quiet spectacle and enjoyed.
Yours truly tried via strong binoculars to find out its name but failed to do so.The name being either faint or fairly well hidden. If anyone knows please let us know. Is this in fact a schooner? Alas alas through indepth ignorance they all look like schooners to me!!?
LATEST: Info just in from legendary ol' crusty seadog and Fab Forumite Ed Connell himself. Ed says it is in fact a three masted barque called the Alexander Von Humboldt, a German vessel. Many thanks Ed. More on Forum re same.