Assorted seasonal pictures and comments.

24 December 2007

Ah...this is the last of the seasonal pictures above. The holiday is nearly over. The picture was taken at Mayor Bob's Annual Candlelight Dinner at the Town Hall, and it's a lovely one, even if I do say so myself. Taken of the enthusiastic and always lovely DCAL girls by yours truly on his little Kodak, a camera in dire need of a few more pixels, but nevertheless onwards we go. I had to do a bit of airbrushing here. Can YOU spot where the airbrushing is.There are two areas - Clue - its not on any of the girls. There was a specific reason for the airbrushing. But back to the DCAL girls, who were accompanied by their hard working 'cheerleader' Mandie Sehmbi, and as ever they did a great job going around the tables raising cash for the less well off. Im sure Mayor Bob appreciated the effort they made. And dont they look fantastic. They are magnificently turned out as you can see. Us fellas dont often appreciate the effort that goes in, but it is sparkingly obvious in this picture. Happy New Year!

Wow! Look at those bicycles!

Santa Claus has obviously been very busy in the Sehmbi household, because these two gorgeous bicycles have just been delivered to these two gorgeous girls. Yes its the two fab DCAL dynamos Jorja and Jordan Sehmbi, and this lovely picture has just been sent in by top girl Mandie. Lovely picture Mandie and many thanks for sending it in as ever. Ah we've had lots of heartwarming stuff this babies, new bicycles, lovely girls..sure we are being spoiled!
La Salle Verte Below.

After a hard day in the Marks and Spencer Christmas melee, or even after an unconvincing wade through the Argos aggravation, there is nothing better than a relaxing drink in the warm confines of the La Salle Verte. A few hardy forumites, those hard edged iron souled types, who regularly shrug off shopping woes and miseries and come out triumphant in the end, had this idea of a small gathering. Well, Im not one of those aforementioned battle hardened types, so I was blagging it at this drinks do. To me shopping is a nightmare worse than the worst nightmare invented by Hollywood. So to calm the frazzled Christmas nerves, a drink was called for, bigtime! And so therefore onwards once more onto the breach dear friends to sample the sparkling 'champagne' at La Salle Verte, and yes as you can imagine, it went down very well indeed and at just the right time. It cheered a chap up after his sorry shunt through the shops.

Cheerfully keeping the soft sofa warm in the picture above are from left to right and all very familiar by now Im sure. Barry Wadsworth-Smith, Lovely Linda Hannent, Barry Williams, and the equally lovely Alison Williams.

The picture on the immediate left shows at the top left one Briony Boland, a legend in her own time, Alex Williams, Thomas Williams, Colette Boland and in the near foreground former Mayor Jan Tranter, and all enjoying themselves greatly. There were other pictures of other forumites too but perhaps for another day as time is short and Im due on the beach before too long for the BOXING DAY SPLASH at Midday.

Latest: Just in..picture of TallPaul, Jen, and lil Oliver taken by Jacqui on Christmas Day. Ahhh lovely stuff indeed. Im sure a happy christmas was had by all.
Dec 24: ahhh at last we seem to be working again and we have gone from one picture of Oliver on our frontpage, the Oliver Twist kind, to another picture of Oliver, only this times it's not fiction. No indeed, for here on the left we have none other than JacquiW's first grandson, and of course she is thrilled as you can imagine.

Many thanks Jacqui for sending in the lovely picture. Proud parents are TallPaul and Jen. Let me tell you a little about TallPaul. Back in the old Forum days TallPaul was a member, and he used to keep us informed on a regular basis about his hugely successful powerlifting events. He won many awards and was often featured in the local newspapers. Not sure if he is still doing the powerlifting but nevertheless he just achieved his biggest award yet with the arrival of lil Oliver.

Readers might remember Jacqui announced this in our Letters Page a week or so ago. Oliver Robert weighed in at a bonny 8lbs 14ozs, so clearly another powerlifter in the making.

My hearty congratulations to all concerned with lots of seasonal good wishes on top.

Latest: Tall Paul has just added an update on our Letters Page.

Buckland Community Christmas Party
Mandie thanks for the nice picture. I was able to boost it through one of my programs so all's well that ends well. I am going to copy Mandies report from the Letters Pages onto here in a mo...hang on to yer hat.

Yes here we are...
Sat Night 22 Dec.Have just returned from Buckland Community centre with a few of the DCAL girls having attended the Buckland Together Senior citizens Christmas party, and WOW!! What a brilliant night.

There was a huge sense of the true meaning of Christmas this evening, which could not fail to soften even the hardest of hearts.

The girls were given a standing ovation on arrival, and we were then treated to a fine evening of singing, dancing, and probably one of the finest buffets I have ever seen.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all those involved in organising tonights event and inviting the DCAL girls to attend. It was a pleasure to help out.

It was lovely to see such a huge sense of community spirit tonight, with even the community wardens dropping in for chats with the locals. What a fantastic evening. We enjoyed every minute, as did the party goers, who all returned home with a beautiful christmas gift.

Jan I know you come on here from time to time, so please pass on our heartfelt thanks to all of the residents of Buckland who made us feel so welcome and part of their community. Mandie Sehmbi.
Note: Mandie if you have the names of all in pic left to right let me know when you can. There are a few faces there I know very well of course!

La Salle Verte pics to follow later. I know...the excitement is toooo much!

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