Mayday !

2 May 2008

Have you ever seen anything as wonderfully daft as this?

Yes its 5am on the first day of May, and down on the seafront something is stirring.Whats this I see..yes its a multi-coloured gathering in honour of May 1st. Well I never! and at 5am toooo! truly proving once and for all that we are a nation of lovable crunchie nutters, all eccentrics to a man and boy..all just a teeny bit ever so slightly mad but lovable with it. Further revelations reveal, that there are a gaggle of Mayors in attendance as well. And what's that I see in the picture below, yes indeed its Mayor Bob himself, strutting his stuff in magnificent nimble toed perfection with the ever effervescent energetic Morris Men, as dawn breaks over and around him, his chain of office glistening magnificently in the low light of early morning.

Yes defintely a sight worth seeing and worth getting up at 5am for..of course! Most definitely.

Alas yours truly missed the spectacle, being notoriously enveloped in the comforting balm of a warm duvet at the time, but our man on the spot was our very own TERRY NUNN who braved all the elements to bring us these pictures.

The following is a press release issued with the pictures.....

May Day saw the East Kent Morris Men greeting the dawn on Dover seafront. Watched by the Mayor of Dover Cllr Bob Markham, the Mayor of Ashford Cllr Mrs Rita Hawes, a few hardy Dovorians and several bemused Dutch and German holidaymakers who were woken up in their camper vans, the group performed a selection of Morris dances.

At one stage both Mayors joined in the dancing and seemed to enjoy the fun. The dancers normally celebrate May Day but this is the first time that they have performed this date in Dover.

Details of the group, together with other performance dates can be found at their website


Many thanks to Terry Nunn for the lovely pictures. They are great fun and so is the whole idea of it all. I wasnt aware of such an event ever taking place before, but it is now a new addition to the social skyline, so long may it continue.It may even expand into a full scale spectacle one day with hundreds of us out on the beach adoring the sungod of plenty.
Mayor Bob does the soft shoe shuffle. His twinkling toes outshining even the sun itself.Nice one Bob Markham!

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