Pageant plus the Town Hall Big Band occasion.

19 June 2008

Picture by Karol Steele We were not able to give the Pageant any coverage of note this year due to a whole multitude of reasons, although some of our Fab Forumites put up links to pictures they took at the event which was great, these can still be seen in the Letters Club thread, but this shot above sums up the event very well. It shows the contingent from the Town Council in full regalia arriving at the start of proceedings.The march is being led by Town Sergeant Bryan Walker with the Deputy Mayor Sue Jones next along.
1940's dance at the Town Hall
We are not attempting full coverage of this event as we were 'jitterbugging' like everyone else. So what we have here is just a few 'snaps' from the occasion.
The picture on the left shows Cllr Diane Smallwood, Mayor of Dover, with Martin DeSutton. It is understood that Martin is the holder of the George Medal. Martin, who is clearly therefore a bigtime military hero, was enjoying the occasion greatly. He told us he enjoyed the entire Hellfire Corner weekend and found it very interesting indeed.Although no longer in the forces Martin still has a huge interest in all things military and now sells militaria for a living.The picture on the right shows a whole brace of councillors. Sue Jones who is the current Deputy Mayor, Jan Tranter, of course, a former Mayor, and on the right Ronnie Philpott who may yet be a Mayor herself.

On the left we have Cllr David Hannent in the persona of an officer from Czechoslovakia with lovely wife Linda. These two really enjoyed the performance of the Jeff Short Swing Band. They skipped across the floor with a dazzling display of dizzy footwork that yours truly can only dream about and even then in his wildest dreams. They sashayed here..they shimmied there..

Yes a great time is always had by David and Linda.They keep the floor at the town hall polished to perfection!


These two pictures show both sides of the celebratory coin. On the left you have the formal shot and on the right you see what happens as soon as the formal picture is over!Oooh steady!

The people in the picture are of course Jan Tranter, yours truly PaulB, and on the right ColetteB.
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