23 August 2010

Some more high flying achievers from Dover Grammar.. this time at GCSE level. Many thanks to Dover Grammar for the info. We are just featuring Dover Grammar as our flagship school but our best wishes are with all the other local schools too. No doubt the newspapers will have fuller coverage on thursday....so check those out. Names for the above shortly....yes here we are..Katie Major, Georgie Fraser, Lauren Richards, Florence Papougnot, Jordan Shingleton, Judith Carlisle (Headteacher) all enjoying their big moment in picture left, picture right shows the record breaking Grace Bell with headteacher Mrs Carlisle. More info on the girls and the record breaking Grace in the copy immediately below.
Many thanks to DGGS for the new pictures.
This latest information just in...
The GCSE results at Dover Grammar School for Girls are excellent again this year, with 99% of the students gaining at least 5 A*-C grades including English and maths. Students scored an average of 553 points each, with 82% of the girls gaining 10 or more A*-C grades.
Grace Bell was thrilled with her record-breaking results, the highest individual points score ever achieved by a Year 11 student at the school. Not only did she gain 10 A*/A grades at GCSE, she was also awarded A grades at AS level in Classical Civilisation, English Literature and History, totalling a grand score of 941 points.
“We are delighted with the students’ GCSE, AS and A level results. Some of them have faced really challenging circumstances and have been rewarded for their hard work. The staff at DGGS pulled all the stops out to support and encourage them,” said Mrs Ann Griggs, Senior Assistant Head, who is responsible for all students aged 14-19.
Fiona Padfield, Katie Major, Stephanie Haire, Florence Papougnot, Jenny Howson, Miriam Wright, Lauren Richards and Xinrui Peng also gained straight A*/A grades in all their GCSEs and topped up their achievements with AS levels, too.
“We all work together at the school to provide a lively and positive atmosphere for the students,” said Mrs Carlisle, headteacher. “Results days are the culmination of years’ of dedication by the staff, which, with hard work from the girls and the support of their parents, is a recipe for success. The students should be justifiably proud of their achievements.”
* *
Another Outstanding Year!
Everybody wants to join in as the Dover Grammar Girl success party gathers pace. Even baby
Orla Bray, just nine weeks old, wanted to be there to see the latest crop of stunning results. That's her mum in the picture left, DGGS drama teacher
Briony Bray who was on hand to congratulate all the high achieving girls...in this case
Saskia Wadsworth-Smith. Saskia put her drama class at Dover Grammar to good affect having appeared over the past two years in numerous stage productions and even a movie. Oh the dizzy heights!
Picture Colette Boland. Other pix courtesy Dover Girls Grammar School.
The picture immediately below shows left
Head Girl Eleanor Wright who had some stunning results, see more in the following statement, also in picture is the successful
Head Teacher Judith Carlisle.
Statement from Judith Carlisle Head Teacher DGGS: The A level results at Dover Grammar School for Girls were again outstanding this year. The students have achieved exceptional results. Our aim is for students to achieve grades that will take them to the university or career of their choice, and we are delighted to see such high levels of success. In a year when places were reported to be in short supply, the students have confirmed offers at universities all over the country, to study a wide range of subjects.”
More than 70% of the students were awarded 5 or more A level grades and all of them achieved at least 3 A levels. Six students gained six or more A levels and, in the first year of the new A* award, 19 of them achieved at least one A*. Art results were particularly impressive, with A* awards for 50% of the candidates.
Eleanor Wright, Head Girl, was delighted with her A* in General Studies, A in Classical Civilisation, Classics, French, and History, with B in AS Biology. She has accepted a place at University College London to read Ancient World Studies. The course includes a year studying Latin in French, at the Sorbonne, Paris!
Katherine Henry will be going to Cambridge University to read History of Art. She achieved excellent results: A* in Art and English Literature, A in Biology and Maths, and B in General Studies.
Emma West’s results, A* in General Studies, A in Classical Civilisation, Classics, History and Philosophy of Religion, with a C in Mathematics, too, will take her to read Philosophy at the University of East Anglia.
There was considerable success for Lower Sixth AS students, too, whose points scores were the highest ever recorded at the school. Emily Beal, Sean Boardman, Megan Burdess, Natalie Finch, Danielle Hare, Robert Howell, Andrea Jesudason, Danielle Lanphier, Cherry Liu, Hannah Weir, Faye Wiles and Rebecca Willey all achieved more than 300 points. The new Head Girl, Emma Castledine, is leading from the front, with an exceptional 390 points after her first year in the Sixth Form.
We look forward to another outstanding set of results this time next year!
Judith Carlisle, Headteacher

Emily Hall, Alanna Dootson, Charlotte Hyde in picture left. Picture right shows Emma Brankley, Emily Sayer, Fran Wong, Alanna Doolson, Rachel Elliot. All very pleased with the results.
All the newspapers were on hand to get their shots for next thursdays papers. A great pose for sure as all the girls wave their exam papers in the air for the cameras. In the foreground left is the Dover Express, in the guise of Phil Medgett's head, and on the right The Dover Mercury...not sure of The Mercury chap's name. But all were on hand popping and flashing away! Picture Colette Boland.
These Beauties have Brains:
Former Beauty Queens celebrate exam results!
Former Queen of Kent Jade Barrett and former Princess of Kent Saskia Wadsworth-Smith celebrate spectacular A Level Results at Dover Grammar, and are now heading off for a new life at university. The bright young things of all our futures.
picture:Colette Boland
Congratulation to all the kids from all the schools who did well. Many thanks to Dover Girls Grammar School for sending us the info through.
Great to hear good news about young people in Dover.