20 November 2010 FREEMEN ...of Dover
Dover Town Council in a ceremony on thursday night just gone, revised an ancient tradition and awarded three local men the accolade of Freeman of the Town of Dover. This tradition had been let go over the years and the award drifted into obscurity, in fact as I understand things, it was last used when Dover was a Borough. The last recipient was a James Johnson, Town Clerk, who received the award in 1968.
Again as I understand it, the Dover Town Council had to endure quite a struggle to get this tradition revived which required the involvement of both the House of Commons and the House of Lords. So quite a struggle was needed but DTC were determined to see this revived and here we are today. Alas yours truly isnt terribly au fait with local historical traditions so if anyone can add more then please do in the BOX BELOW..contributions always welcome.
The Ceremony took place at Dover Town Council offices and was attended by family and friends and the councillors shown in the pictures. It was presided over by Mayor Sue Jones. Not sure if it was open to the public.
The three men shown were recognised for their sterling work for the community over a great many years.Left to right we have Bob Tant who was a serving councillor for 30 years and of course a former Mayor of Dover. Then we have well known campaigner Jack Woolford, a university tutor for many years in the Universities of Kent and Oxford, and a member of many committees in the town here, finally Mr John Turnpenny, local successful businesman and Justice of the Peace and of course much much more. All these men had many more strings to their individual bows than I can go into here, but all were solid contributors to the society they lived in over the years, and still are to this day. Well done them and well done Dover Town Council for allowing us once again to honour individuals who excell within the community. PB.
Top Picture shows Bob Tant, Jack Woolford and John Turnpenny, details in the body copy above.
Group Picture above from left to right :
Cllr Chris Precious, Cllr Ronnie Philpott Mayoress, Cllr Sue Jones Mayor of Dover, former mayor Cllr Bob Markham, former mayor Bob Tant being honoured, Cllr Jan Tranter former Mayor of Dover, Jack Woolford being honoured, Cllr Neil Rix, John Turnpenny being honoured, Cllr David Hannent Deputy Mayor of Dover, Town Clerk Mike Webb, Rev David Ridley fresh from conducting the Remembrance services, Cllr Lyn Young former mayor, and Chris the new Town Sergeant.