The Front Page. - Copy 153 ( Labour and UKIP..The New Year message)

4 January 2011

Labour’s New Year Message for Dover and Deal

The Scale and Savagery of Local Cuts have nothing to do with the economic needs of the Country
... says Gordon Cowan.

Its very fashionable now for politicians to have a New Year message for the voter. Here is local Labour Leader Gordon Cowan's message to YOU and its just in hot off the wire. This New Year is only with us a few short days but the politicos have hit the ground, without further ado..

Gordon Cowan, Leader of the Opposition on Dover District Council and the newly elected Kent County Councillor for Dover, says:

“2011 will be a tough year for many of us. The Conservative government and its Lib-Dem collaborators have declared war on local government. They have slashed the amount of revenue support that Dover District Council receives by over 16%, which means that the Council will have to cut services and staff. They plan further cuts in their support for every year after this.”

“The scale and the savagery of the cuts have nothing to do with the economic needs of the country. They are based on dogma. The same dogma that closed the coal mines and other major industries in the 1980s. The same dogma that sold off our public utilities, like water, gas, and electricity. The dogma of Margaret Thatcher and the nasty party.”

“The Conservatives answer to sacking frontline staff and chopping services is the “Big Society”. In the Conservatives Big Society we will all pay an extra 2.5% VAT, increased fuel tax and higher train fares. But we will be expected to volunteer to run the schools, clean the streets and nurse the sick.. while teachers, street cleaners and nurses will join the dole queue.”

“Labour’s challenge, and its duty, in 2011 are to be the people’s voice in tough times and to defend the interests of the many against the political dogma of the few.”

“The Conservatives on Dover District Council are already working on their hit list for slashing services. But their ideas don’t make sense. They are talking of cutting CCTV cameras but at the same time maintaining the Community Safety Unit. Labour has already forced a commitment out of the current Conservative Leader of the Council that Dover’s Museum won’t be closed but he hasn’t yet said how he will find the money to keep it open. The list is endless.”

“Labour is ready for the challenge and Labour will do its duty. It will be tough but Labour will always work for the long-term benefit of our country and our district.” (Ends)

* *

2011 is merely a few minutes old and already the gloom is piling high in your intray and mine. The 24 hour news programs are spewing out misery by the bucketload, all headlining the stomach crunching price rises occurring right across the board. Domestic heating bills are rising, the price of petrol is rising, train fares are rising, and a whopping 20% VAT, as of today, is hitting just about everything else. Woe woe thrice woe! This according to recent reports will cost Mr and Mrs Average an extra £7.50 a week...and thats just the VAT!

The leading Politicians, or at least the ones in power, have been spurring us on, telling us that all this pain is for our own good. " Its not idealogy!" says Prime Minister Cameron with an attempt at conviction..... but are we believing it!?

All the Party Leaders have sent out a New Year of the same, UKIP's Nigel Farage, has sent a message to his troops on the ground in Dover which was 'leaked' to Doverforum and we will have that following shortly. So, a Happy New Year to you! PB.

Yes here we are....

The New Year message from UKIP Leader, Nigel Farage.

2010 was in many cases a year of the inevitable. A year where the electorate removed the Labour government and went for something different, albeit not quite as we were expecting. I doubt many people would have anticipated Cameron and Clegg sitting side by side on the government benches.

But what 2010 brought in many ways heralds what 2011 has the potential to bring. Those two men are sitting side by side because there is a disenchantment with three party career politics. After 13 years of Labour there was no definite winner in that election and it's hardly surprising, because they're all but identical.

2011 is the year of potential for UKIP. It's the year of big opportunity.

In local elections and assembly elections we have the opportunity to step up and be the alternative to this status quo of smoke and mirrors politics. If we step up to the mark we can show the people of the United Kingdom that they deserve better than grey suited bureaucrats living in a world, out of touch with public opinion and the issues that we want to debate.

With our message of independence at all levels: from the EU, from Big Government and from unnecessary interference in how we run our lives we can show a vision of how this country could be.

In the second decade of this millennium we can show people that enough is enough; it's time for a real change. And it's up to the UK Independence Party to provide it. ENDS.

The picture shows local UKIP Chairman Vic Matcham with leader Nigel Farage at a recent book launch. It was Nigel's book and not Vic's of course but anyday now it could well be Vic's turn. So standby for that.

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