7 March 2011 " We are all Paying for this Conservative Budget"..say Labour
" Its the Economics of the Madhouse!"
The Conservative majority on Dover District Council has introduced a budget for the coming financial year which will cost everyone dearly..so sayeth the Labour Group in their latest press release just in.
Cllr Gordon Cowan(Pictured) Leader of the Labour Group on Dover District Council, says: "Next year’s budget is a disaster for everyone in Dover District. Local services are being cut to the bone to satisfy the Government’s dogma, a political dogma which is based on the “economics of the madhouse” to quote a senior Conservative. The Government and Dover’s Conservative councillors think that by cutting services and jobs the private sector will kick in to action. The reality is, as we have seen with Pfizers and the local firms that depend on Pfizers, the Conservatives are kicking council services to death just when the economy needs them most.”
Cllr Mike Eddy, Labour Shadow Cabinet Member for Finance, says: “This budget would be laughable if the consequences weren’t so serious. There has been no attempt by the Conservatives to set realistic priorities. The Conservatives are claiming a 0% increase in council tax but that’s at an added cost to services and jobs. The Conservatives and their Lib-Dem henchmen in Westminster have slashed over 17% off the Government grant to the District and to get a 0% council tax increase have then given the council a 2.5% increase from our other taxes. But inflation is currently running at 4%. This is madness.”
If a Labour council is elected in May, Labour will introduce an emergency budget as soon as possible in order to set new priorities for the benefit of local people rather than to suit the out-dated ideology of Margaret Thatcher.
Mike Eddy adds: “We have seen how the Conservatives operate at national level. They send brand new surveillance aircraft to the scrap yard and they kick trainees out of the RAF just hours before they qualify as pilots, and then David Cameron blithely talks about imposing a no-fly zone over Libya. We got exactly the same at District level, hiking up car parking charges while talking about regeneration as local businesses close around them.”
The Original DDC Release from last week.....
( more in our Forum section.)
Dover District Council has confirmed that its part of the Council Tax bill has been frozen at the same level as 2010/11 for the next financial year. This was agreed at a meeting of Dover District Council on Wednesday 2 March.
The average total bill for a Band D property in Dover District for 11/12 will be £1,461.06. This is an increase in the average total bill of £2.13 or 0.15%. The total bill includes the element of Council Tax for Kent County Council (£1,047.78), Dover District Council (£158.94), Kent Police Authority (£138.68), Kent and Medway Fire and Rescue Authority (£67.95), and an average for Town and Parish Councils of £47.71. The only element that has changed on the previous year is the average for Town and Parish Councils. - ends -