The Front Page - Copy 68 ( Home Sec Buckland/Port visit. Elphicke Survey.Plus social..)

15 February 2010

Dover & Deal Conservatives publish results of the local
Crime and Border Security survey.

Publishing the results, Conservative Prospective MP Charlie Elphicke said:

"People are saying the Government is failing on crime and failing on border security. In claiming everything is fine, the Home Secretary shows how out of touch Labour are with the experiences of ordinary folk in Dover & Deal.

"I am particularly concerned that over a fifth of residents report being a victim of crime / anti social behaviour. And Gordon Brown's plan to sell off our port can only weaken our borders. We need safer streets and secure borders.

Things need to change."
Notes on The Survey:

The survey found that Immigration is the top national issue locally (62% stated it was one of their top three issues of concern), followed by the NHS (56%), law & order (47%) and the economy (35%).

22% of respondents said they had been a victim of crime / anti social behaviour in the past year. Anti social behaviour was a concern to 46% of people where they live.

93% said they support zero tolerance beat based policing on our streets. 98% were concerned about drugs, weapons and human trafficking through our borders. And 88% thought a dedicated Border Police Force would be a good idea.

76% thought more things for our young people to do, like play areas / dry pubs, would help reduce anti social behaviour

The survey was sent by Conservative Prospective MP Charlie Elphicke to every resident of the Dover and Deal constituency. 4,167 residents have so far completed the survey and taken part.

Copy and Paste this Link here to see Charlie's recent interview with Meridian TV following the Home Secretary's visit...The TV item shows the Home Secretary with the UK Border Agency at the Port where the effective work being carried out by the Agency was shown. As local MP Gwyn Prosser was also featured, Charlie too has his say. The pic on the left is a still from the interview.


*New item on the Home Secretary's Port Visit now added below.


from on High!

The 'on high' in this case being Westminster, that heaving hub of political dynamism. Yes it seems Dover had some notable visitors yesterday, not least the Home Secretary himself who made a high profile visit to the Port to talk immigration, and then on to admire the work being done to hinder anti-social behaviour on the Buckland Estate. Quite a coup for Buckland this, to get the attention of the very affable Home Secretary, the Rt Hon Alan Johnson MP.

Yes Alan Johnson with our Labour MP for Dover and Deal, Gwyn Prosser, met Buckland Ward Labour councillors Ann and Mick Smith and Jan Tranter, also the local PCSO, and other residents. The local community in partnership with the police have managed to reduce crime by 30% in the Buckland area this year. Going against recent claims by David Cameron that Britain was in “social recession” during his last visit to Kent.

Alan Johnson MP, Labour's Home Secretary said:
"It was a pleasure to meet Ann and Mick Smith and Jan Tranter, along with other residents on the Canada Estate today. It goes to show that community spirit is alive and well here. Along with the local police, residents on the Canada Estate have helped to reduce crime in their area.”

"David Cameron and Chris Grayling should apologise for continually misleading the British people about crime. In order to justify talking Britain down they have recently quoted dodgy statistics about crime. But its clear that in places like Buckland, crime is down and the community works.”

Gwyn Prosser, Labour MP for Dover and Deal, said: “I am continually impressed by the work that the local community does here on the Canada Estate to tackle crime and anti-social behaviour. Its great news that crime is down an incredible 30% in Buckland this year.”

Cllr Anne Smith said : It was a extremely informative meeting, with local residents putting across their points of view, also the ward cllrs putting their viewpoint across. Mr Johnson congratulated all present on the work that has been accomplished in Buckland and the work that is being currently done. Also present was the local p.c.s.o James Hockness who gave a good overall picture of the police force and the work being achieved on Buckland as a whole."

The picture shows left to right: Cllr Mick Smith, Rt Hon Home Secretary Alan Johnson MP, MP for Dover and Deal Gwyn Prosser, Cllr Jan Tranter, and last but not least Cllr Anne Smith.
My thanks to Anne Smith, Jan Tranter, Eleanor Holmes, for the information.

*Small added item on the Port visit by Alan Johnson.

Shoulder to Shoulder:

Home secretary Alan Johnson stands shoulder to shoulder with local MP Gwyn Prosser as they take a tour of the Port. They were there at the request of the UK Border Agency to see the improved efforts being made very successfully by the UK Border Agency, to stem the flow of illegal substances into the UK. The politicians saw for example a truck loaded to the brim with thousands and thousands of cigarettes. Much of the high grossing smuggling trade nowadays is in the illegal importation of cigarettes, vast quantities of cigarettes...which obviously pays off bigtime, if you are not caught that is. A great many are caught, so no.. not recommended as a career path towards advanced fulfillment and respectability. People are still clearly smoking themselves into an early demise it seems.

People trafficking and illegal immigration was also the hot topic of the day. You can see in the chart ( picture right above) how the UK Border Agency have successfully stemmed the flow of widespread immigration. We all remember, do we not, just a few short years ago, when every truck stopping at a traffic light in Dover, suddenly without ceremony would denude itself of 10, 20, 30, immigrants at a time. Mothers, babies, the lot. Some refugess from the war torn corners, some not. This doesnt happen anymore. So the political initiatives undertaken over the past few years have clearly worked. PB.
Comments welcome below.


The Silent Victims in The Churchill Hotel Closure Saga.

The picture on the left shows the team of excellent hairdressers from the Regatta Hair Salon. The Regatta HS was a successful business, which was running along quite merrily on The Churchill Hotel's premises. But their business dream suffered a sudden evaporation, because as we all know now, catastrophe struck...The Churchill Hotel went out of business bigtime and in a considerable hurry. The Regatta teamsters shown here, led by owner Gillian Smissen centre, were given just 24 hours notice to leave the building. Thats almost quicker than Elvis left the building! Quite a shock for them, because as mentioned everything was looking very good, their books were full and heavens, they even coiffured, if that's the right word, some of the Doverforum ladies, and in some style too.

Having 24 hours to leave the building is a rather quick exit strategy and the business reeled. The hastily laid plan, a plan B if ever there was one, was to regroup in a new location. But it wasn't to be. The cost of rent and rates in Dover finished them off completely, and in no time at all and after all the years of work and effort... The business was dead.

The successful award winning team, who had worked together for quite a number years in The Churchill location, were broken up and scattered onto the four winds. Fortunately because of the talent of the teamsters, the latest news is that they have found jobs in various places, mostly in Folkestone as I understand it, although Gillian herself, the owner, now has a chair at Blades here in Dover. So there we are , a sad story, once again the high cost of business rents and rates here in Dover has hit enterprise.


Bizarre Political Bazaar.

"You pays your money you takes your choice!" but what choice is there left to any of us. Now even the once notorious BNP have also lurched mainstream. In a measure somewhat forced upon them through legal manouverings, the closeted BNP have now changed their bigotted constitution and opened their doors to all and sundry. They no longer care what colour you you black, brown, red, yellow, and even white, all you fellow citizens of this great land, are welcome now through their doors and with open arms...ermm except maybe for redheads! You may have seen them chucking out unceremoniously the redheaded reporter of The Times yesterday from their press conference. Its seems that journalism and the truth failed to connect....well according to the BNP.

But back to the serious business at hand, given that they, the BNP, only existed at all because of their racial segregation, the whole thing is now totally bizarre and would of course cause their traditional indigenious supporter to go home, take some aspirin, and lie down in a darkened room..and while there ponder on God, life, death, and the universe..for his very reason to exist has been wiped away at a stroke.

Of course it is hard to envisage the ethnic communities beating a path to the BNP door, but if some did, perhaps out of political challenge..the atmosphere in their meeting halls would be laced with fever pitched tension. The sheer notion of the BNP racially intermingling is mindboggingly bizarre. Funny old world...innit!

But as we mentioned above, this could in fact see the end of the BNP, as their very reason to exist has been taken away.
Has their future has just hit the delete button!?
The Picture shows BNP Leader Nick Griffin as seen recently on the BBC's Question Time.

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