7 March 2010The Return of The White Horse.
Yes the White Horse pub officially re-opened its doors on the evening of friday the fifth of march. A terrific crowd turned out to see the return of the famous pub. Dover is starved now of these old pubs, many have shut up shop, gone forever. Not so The White Horse, which has like Lazarus, risen again in all its glory, a true rave from the proverbial grave .
Picture above left shows Landlady Mandy and Manager Jeanette as they raise a glass of champagne on the grand occasion.The launch ribbon was actually cut by a barmaid from the long distant past called Joan Bailey who is featured in the pics below. Full marks goes to these two girls for bringing this pub back from the dead. The picture on the right shows Colette Boland in wild embrace with authors of the book Past and Present Jeff Howe and Paul Scotchie Wells. All regulars at the White Horse in the past.
On the left we have Simon Chambers of the Dover War Memorial Project, seen here sharing a pint with top forumites Vic Matcham and Andy Cooper. Andy is also attached to the Dover War Memorial Project while Vic is the candidate for UKIP in the forthcoming General Election. The pic on the right shows the gorgeously grizzly Guzzler..yes Its Tom Mitchell sharing an amusing moment with the equally lovely Maggie Stephenson-Knight of War Memorial fame.
Some serious booze artists here and top forumites into the bargain. Left to right is PaulB editor of this organ, next to him Ian Lillford riverwatcher and all round nature and action man. Then posh Barry himself...Barry Wadsworth-Smith, and Guzzler again up to mischief, this time trying to balance a pint pot on the unsuspecting Barry's head. Woman on right is the aforementioned barmaid from the past Joan Bailey who did the necessary with the launch ribbon.
Andy Cooper gives famous film maker Mike McFarnell a generous hug in between pints of the amber nectar. Mike was filming the event in fine style as always. On the righthandside we have more top forumites Roger Walkden centre, who is Dover's new Business Support Manager while on the right is long term member Andrew Stucken. That's Andrew's brother on the left of picture but alas his first name is not to hand...so its just Mr Stucken. Ah just had the info through from Colette B..its Phillip.
These bottom two pictures are just two grainy shots of the pub as it began to fill up. It's still early in the evening at this point and the crowd still had further to grow. The back rooms too, not shown here, also had a large contingent enjoying themselves. Overall the evening was great. The nibbles went down a treat and the engaging atmosphere was top rate. PB.
All pictures by Colette Boland ( save the one she's in!)