The Mayor's Annual Candlelight Dinner and Dance.

16 December 2007

Late Extra Picture on Right:

Yes it was a big night for Mayors. Pictures of current Mayor Bob below, but have just added this latest pic of two famous former Mayors upclose together in harmony and enjoying the evening.
Yes it's the dynamic duo of Jan and Ken Tranter.
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Christmastime in Dover.Mayor's Dinner Dance, Friday Dec 15: Ah yes it's that lovely time of year again. The time for parties and for celebration. And a lovely way to take part is to attend the Mayor's Annual Christmas Candlelight Dinner, and we did just that. Sadly these days with only half the previous entourage, but one cant have everything, so 'onward christian soldiers' as they say in all the right circles. The hosting Mayor this time of course was the genial and popular Bob Markham and yes he made an excellent host. We arrived by taxi on a cold bleak night and it was nice to be greeted not only by Bob's beaming smile, but also by a delightful glass of warm mulled wine, which nicely chased the chills away and warmed the deep cockles. After a chat in the bar with various friendly faces, we made our way to our beautifully decorated table. The candles were burning, the christmas crackers were in place, and all the magnificent decorations were splendid. We had our own christmas crackers with us too, of a different variety, but more on that later.

Naturally enough I brought the little camera to help capture the event. Just the smaller camera, which alas is hardly up to the job these days, but one carries on heroicly, as clumping large cameras to an event like this is not the thing, not when you are enjoying the proceedings as a paid party reveller.

And so to start. The picture on the left is the ever lovely and now even lovelier Rebecca Bushby-Hanson, doing her excellent Miss Dover routine. But wait, I hear you say. Wasn't she Miss Dover last year? Isn't there another Miss Dover, a newer one? Well yes there is but Rebecca was substituting for the current one and come to think of it Ive hardly ever seen the current one, but Rebecca was doing an excellent job in her pleasant way, and helping yet again to raise money for Mayor Bob's Goodwill Fund.

With Dover Mayor Bob Markham here, and that's Bob in the centre, is Charles Johnson, Headmaster of the Duke of York School, and of course the lovely DCAL girls. All pose elegantly in the super surrounds of the old hall.
And so the grand event unfurls yet further. The picture above left shows Doverforum's professional chat girl Colette Boland, enjoying the company of Cllr and of course Mayor, Bob Markham, in the centre, and Cllr Ronnie Philpott on the righthandside, Ronnie was one of the main organisers of the successful event. The picture on the right is of Alison Williams, longtime fab forumite, and of course ColetteB and both are Christmas Crackers!! and both looking fantastic too.

A couple of very polished debonair 'men about town' here, Barry Williams near and Barry Wadsworth-Smith, both budding James Bonds for sure and both looking deadly cool in the hot heat of the rollicking rumbas and the flaming flamencos. These chaps clearly remaining super cool while all about them were losing theirs, and all while watching the lovely long limbed women, sparkingly dressed to the nines for the occasion, strutting their stuff on the dancefloor of delight. Ooh that heady rhytmn!

Doverforum couple of the year...yes its the Hannents. Those noted soft shoe shufflers. Ah 'tis a treat par excellence to watch them glide effortlessly across the dancefloor. The rest of us, yours truly in particular, can only gape on in total admiration. Such poise, such finesse, such chuzzpah. Linda was looking fantastic. Linda married David in this very dress and she looked fabulous, like a Royal Doulton porcelain figure. David didnt look too bad either.Very dashing!

King of the Channel Kevin Murphy, who believe it or not has swum the English Channel 34 times, a staggering achievement of awesome magnitude indeed, was enjoying his evening greatly. That's Kevin on the left, then we have formidable Lady Mayoress Lyn Young, then Bob again, then Jane Murphy who is wife to the legendary Kevin. All having a great time while raising money for good causes.

No picture spread is complete without the gorgeous Jan Tranter. It was a joy to see her dancing in fabadabadosy sexy dress and oooh sooo long high heels. Accompanied here in fine style, and all while sashaying to the throbbing beat, by Doverforum's Barry Wadsworth-Smith, and a lovely engaging couple they make too.

Last picture, and I hope they are not too large for uploading purposes but slight tech problem with my camera program forced the issue, and here we have on the left yours truly PaulB, trying to look assured on the dancefloor while at the same time trying to hide his two left feet, an almost impossible task. PaulB isnt expecting a call anytime soon from Come Dancing or whatever its called. With him is the lovely long limbed Una Mills, the lady in red, who enjoyed a bit of wild rhytmic gyrating!



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