The Paper Boat Race Day in Pencester.

30 June 2008


The Annual Paper Boat race, once the brainchild of Town Centre Management, was revived at the weekend by Terry Nunn and the London Road Community Forum. The idea was to raise as much money as possible for the Pilgims Hospice. Sadly the event ,despite the brave efforts of Terry and crew, was poorly attended ,even though there had been a good level of publicity for it , and even though newly sponsored by the Dover Mercury. This event, for the nautically aspirational, doesnt appear to have much life left in it unless it can radically re-invent itself. Full marks though to those guys who always turn up to these types of occasions around town to try and make them work. Guys like Ian Lillford, Stewart Dimmock, Roger Walkden, Chris Precious, Nigel Collor and so on. It's always the same faces in the photos because its always the same people who try to make these things work, by giving their support.

The picture above shows Team Tory in action...but hark what's this I see..yours truly's daughter in there with the Team Tory..well I never! But it's all great fun and her boat is already in the lead as you can see, and this is not biased reporting either!

On the left we have James Skilling, a political science student ,who came to the event with next man along Charlie Elphicke, the Conservative candidate for the Dover and Deal seat,then Briony Boland Medical Student in waiting, then the ever good humoured Cllr Roger Walkden, and Chris Precious coming up on the rails. Watching on from the raging torrent below is waderman Ian Lillford.


Deputy Mayor Sue Jones opened proceedings and is always a joy to see and photograph. Here she is with that man Charlie again, with Charlie clutching a gaggle of small boats in his hand as he prepares for the off. Prior to any race of course is always a tense time for those taking part, one needs to limber up mentally for the great task ahead!

The picture on the right shows two councillors together...Ronnie Philpott and Roger Walkden. Ronnie is one of these excellent background workers and has her finger in many an organisational pie, which is always vital in small town community life.Roger of course is head of the Dover Loyalty Scheme which is highly active in it's support for local business.
What can we say about this man? Yes on the left there it's Ian Lillford himself, and all will know about Ian's passion for the river and indeed for the town itself. Ian is always on hand to lend very cheerful support for any and every event and is full of enthusiasm for same. Well done Ian as ever...good to see you again at the weekend.

Also of course a big well done to Terry Nunn and the London Road Community Forum. Ive just seen a post from Terry in our Letters Club section mentioning that £197 was raised for the charity. Excellent!

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