The Return of the Black Hole!

18 July 2008

Aaah...Just when you thought it was safe to amble along the promenade...

You dear reader might remember last year the sudden appearance of a great big black hole along the seafront. A hole causing much consternation and some considerable head scratchin'. It was so deep that some said it reached australia itself! Some even said it had released strange goblins and ghoulies from prehistoric times to prowl among the natives wreaking havoc aplenty...bloodsucking and virgins were mentioned and in the same sentance too. Rather extravagant demands amongst the bloodsuckers thought one and all...because..Heaven forbid! there aint any virgins! Yours truly didn't hold with such theories though, going instead for the much more sensible one that we were cascading merrily and gently into the deep!

However all wasn't lost.Great bodies of men in fluorescent jackets and hard hats rushed forth in Hollywood style (I'm sure I saw Bruce Willis in there and in his string vest too!) to save us from this grisly fate. Heavy grade trucks and large wheeled diggers were rushed to our defences, and in no time at all, large iron girders propped it all up and it was filled in. In the end a nice new surface was added, that didnt quite match the old, and the black hole was no more.

Ermmmm not until this week anyway....and then..yes
the return of the Black Hole. Trust me, I am making this as dramatic as I can!

So there we's back. Not quite as specatacular as before you might think but a hole is a hole is a hole. One almost fell in it on one's way back from the late night pub! Comments Welcome of course.
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