We Want a Hospital/Frolics at Mill.

24 May 2008

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Not since the days of the Anti Prison Rally have we seen such a gathering in Market Square. A large enthusiastic crowd turned out to back Reg Hansell's call for a new hospital. The people of Dover deserve it, there can be no question of that, and they know it. The Rally was organised by Cllr David Hannent who put in many hours behind the scenes getting this particular Market Sq show on the road, and it's fair to say he wouldnt have been disappointed at the turnout, as some suggested there may have been as many as a 1,000 people or more. To see all the mums and dads and particularly the young kids holding their banners heartwarmingly aloft was very effective. Who can fail to listen in these circumstances!

There can be no doubt about it, Indiana Jones is alive and well and rallying the troops in Market Sq. Well no, okay, its not really the action adventurer himself, but none other than our own action hero, councillor David Hannent. That's him there in the picture on the right with the nifty headgear and shades, speaking encouragingly and optimistically before the marchers took off, banners waving, towards the Town Hall.

The picture on the left is yet another Doverforum member, as of course is Mr Hannent, one Keith Sansum, long time man-of-the-people councillor but now serving the community in other ways. As ever Keith, or Keef as he is known to one and all, is always on hand to help out on these occasions. Long may this kind of rallying spirit continue.

Tory Golden Boy Charlie Elphicke was there adding much needed moral support. Various polls reckon Charlie will be giving Gwyn Prosser a run for his money at the next election. Time will tell on that one. But Charlie was happy to throw his support behind this call for a new hospital. That's Charlie on the left. Leading from the front here though is the likeable Reg Hansell, thats him in the centre spot. Reg is the man who set the ball rolling on this whole issue.

The crowd begins to gather. Mums with pushchairs, kids with banners were everywhere. All coming together in the warm sunshine for this mighty cause. In the thick of the crowd there one can spot Conservative DDC Cabinet member Nigel Collor lending his support. Nigel is on the extreme left!

Politically opposing Cabinet members check out each other's portfolio at Beer Fest !

Yes indeed all hostilities suspended. Here we have the Conservative Cabinet Member for Access and Property, that jovial chappie Nigel Collor, getting to grips with his politically opposite number, the Labour shadow Cabinet Member for Access and Property, the ever lovely Jan Tranter. Both can be seen here enjoying some fun and frolics while getting up close and personal at the Crabble Corn Mill Beer Festival. Us Doverforum guys arrived about 7.30 last night (Friday 23May) and the party was in full swing with quite a good crowd already there and more arriving. It became even swingier after a few pints of Biddenden I can tell you...well one needs that to wash down the delicious hot dog and onion combo from the barbecue. Flipping burgers on that same barbecue was non other than the newly athletic and slim jim Mike Webb, the Town Clerk, who was looking good and in great form. He is a mean burger flipper and that's no lie.

The guys in the picture above are of course both members of

Here we have a few of the ould cronies of long long standing. From left to right its that superstar Croc of the River, yes Ian Lillford himself, always great fun to be with and a wicked leg-puller, then its Jan Tranter again, that Jan Tranter gets in all the shots! Jan is holding up the marvellous find by next man in the picture Phil Eyden. Phil found an Iron Cross while helping to clear out the River Dour on friday. Quite a find. How genuine it is has yet to be ascertained, but it is certainly a fascinating find. You just dont know what's lurking in the depths of that river. Gold bullion perhaps or even the treasure of the Conquistadors (and if I spelt that right it will be a miracle!). The man on the right is none other than Barry Wadsworth-Smith of Doverforum sales....and as you can see all are having a good laugh while trying allsorts of beer variations.
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