English Channel swim by Teens On The Move (Sea 2 See)

Swam the Channel in 13 hours and 47 minutes
Joint 675th fastest time out of 1,117 relay swims (equal with 3 others)
Date: 6 August 2008
Country: International
Category: Relay Swim
Route: England  >  France
  1. Chloe Australian
  2. Chantelle British (Jersey)
  3. Tasmin British (Jersey)
  4. Amelia Australian
  5. Alice British (Jersey)
  6. Bianca British (Jersey)
Organisation: Channel Swimming & Piloting Federation
Pilot: Dave Whyte
Observer: Bob
Escort Boat: Ocean Breeze
Additional swim information:
Started from Shakespeare Beach, landed at Cap Gris Nez.
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