English Channel relay swim teams
- F
- #Fudgegate Fugitives
- W
- 0-9
- 079 GB Team 2011
- 11 Legs
- 12 Supply Regiment Relay Team
- 16 Medical Regiment
- 1st Battalion Royal Regiment of Wales
- 1st Battalion The Royal Anglian Regiment
- 1st Ghent Channel Relay
- 2 by 3
- 2 Royal Anglian
- 20 Squadron RAF Wittering
- 2020 Vision
- 21 Miles
- 21st Regiment Royal Engineers & SVE Sports
- 250+
- 3 Amigos
- 3 Bears
- 3 Buoys and a Gill
- 3 Degrees
- 3 Rivers Relay Team
- 4 Cs, The
- 4 Ever Hopeful
- 4 Ladies @ Sea
- 4 Stars
- 47 Regiment RA
- 4forBlue
- 4seaables
- 4th Battalion The Queen's Regiment
- 6Girls0Buoys
- 70 Club
- 7th Regiment Royal Horse Artillery
- A
- A Buoy and a Senorita
- A Doctor, Teacher, Princess and Frog Go Swimming
- Accenture Capital Markets
- Access Sport
- ACDC Thunderstroke
- Adadmi
- Adana Metropolitan Municipality Women's Channel Team
- Addies Aquaphobes
- Adventure Seekers
- After You
- Air Cadet Organisation
- Air India
- Air Training Corp
- Airedale & Wharfedale Veterans
- Aitch Sea Jays
- Alcatraz Repeat Offenders
- Alderhey Channel Swimming Team
- Alexa Trust
- Alexa Trust Relay, The
- Alexa's Aquanuts
- All American Relay, The
- All In Your Mind
- All This For Cheap Fags & Booze
- Allez les Verts
- Altamar 66K
- Alvin Connor Natural Balance
- Amphitrite
- Ancattra
- Andy's Channel Ladies
- Andy's Ladies BHF
- Animas
- Anjos d'Água
- Annual World Friendship
- Aquaducks
- Aquaholics
- Aquamen
- Aquanuts
- Aquaphobes
- Aquasloths
- Aquatic Tomidi Relay Team
- Arab Nations Relay Team
- Arch Zombie
- Are We Nearly There Yet?
- Are We There Yet
- Are You Having A LAFF?!
- Arena English Channel Ladies
- Argonauts
- Army Foundation College
- Army Foundation College Harrogate
- Arundel Breakfast Club
- Arundel Olympic Swim Center
- Aspava Sports Club
- Aspire
- Aspire 2010
- Aspire SRLV
- Association of Swimming Therapy
- Auckland Grammar
- Auckland Grammar School
- Audrey Scott Commemorative Relay
- Aussie Crawl
- Aussie Oxon English Channel Swimmers
- Australian Barracuda Oldest
- B
- B of AML Triathlon Club
- Balmoral Beach Team
- Bank of England, London
- Barbarian Budgie Smugglers, The
- Barcap Enduro Team
- Barclays Capital
- Barnet Copthall Masters
- Barracudas
- Barracudas Coastbusters
- Barracudas Shark Bait
- Bayliss
- BBV Channel Relay
- BBV Junior Channel Team
- BC Ladies + 1
- Beach Party
- Beauty and the Beasts
- Bedford Beavers
- Bedford Centenary 2003 Relay / De Montfort University
- Belgian Channel Breaststroke
- Belgium Relay Team
- Belgium/Japan Relay
- Belly Flops
- Benoni Northern
- Big Crawl, Big Swim
- Big Poppy Splash
- Big Ricks Chicks
- Big Ricks Swim Team
- Billingshurst Channel Hoppers
- Birmingham University Team
- Bish & Co
- Black Duck Institute
- Black Lion Masters
- Bland Brothers Relay
- Blankenberge Channel Team
- Blokes Who've Choked - Humpback and Goldfish
- Blue Light Bathers
- Bobcats Swim Squad
- Bolton Dolphins
- Bolton Metro
- Borfast
- Bosworth Mob, The
- Bourne to Swim
- Boxfit
- Brave Turks
- Breakthrough Channel Swim Team
- Bridget's Boys
- Bridgnorth Endowed School
- Brighton
- Brighton Sea Dogs
- Brighton Swimming Club
- Brisbane To France Via Dover
- Bristol Children's Hospital Channel Relay
- Bristol English Channel Swimmers
- Bristol Henleaze
- Britannia
- British Army
- British Cross Channel Disabled Team
- British Disabled Team
- British Heart Foundation Peterborough
- British Naturism
- British Petroleum Ltd SC
- British Transplant Channel Relay
- British Veterans Relay
- Broadening Choices for Older People
- Broadie Shore
- Brooklyn-Berlin
- Brown Phatz
- Bruce Yang's Relay Team
- Brucey's Squad
- Brussels Triathalon
- Brutal Green
- BT Channel Breakers
- Bubbles Made Me Do It!, The
- Budgie Smugglers, The
- Bunsan Oikawa International Team
- Burren Chernobyl
- C
- Cairngorm Wild Swimmers
- Cake Pigeons, The
- California Ladies Team
- Calvert Trust
- Cambridge (CUSWPC)
- Cambridge University
- Cambridge University Swimming and Waterpolo Team
- Can Too
- Canadian Channel Challenge
- Canadian Fire Fighters
- Canadian Forces Base Lahr Channel Rats
- Cancer Survivors Channel Relay
- Cannons Channel Relay Team
- Cap'd Crusaders 2020
- Captain Sole
- Captain Webb's Wave Runners
- Carlingford Waves
- Carolina Whitecaps, The
- Carp Diem
- Carpe Marem
- Casablanca Mexico
- Castaways
- CCAT2/WYCE Madina Scouts
- CCF Channel Challenge
- Celtic Mermaids
- Celts, The
- Cha Cha
- Cha Cha Team
- Chalkwell Redcaps
- Challenge 5:21
- Challenge 707
- Challenge Of Your Life, The
- Chamorro Flying Proa
- Chan(n)el No.6
- Chanel No. 4
- Chanel No. 51
- Channel 4
- Channel 4, The
- Channel 5
- Channel 6
- Channel 6 Arch to Arc 2010
- Channel Arm Bandits
- Channel Babes
- Channel Busters
- Channel Cats USA Rhine Army
- Channel Challenge
- Channel Challengers
- Channel Champs
- Channel Chatterboxes
- Channel Chubs, The
- Channel Chums
- Channel Crusaders
- Channel Cup Team
- Channel Dippers
- Channel Eagle
- Channel Five
- Channel for ALS
- Channel Four
- Channel Hoppers
- Channel No. 5
- Channel No. 5 (Plus 1)
- Channel No.3 Pour Hommes
- Channel Nutters, The
- Channel Otters
- Channel Ramblers, The
- Channel Relay for Jane's Appeal
- Channel Sharks
- Channel Team Wassenaar
- Channel Three
- Channel Titans
- Channel Vision
- Channel Wanderers of Bolton, The
- Channeling Our Midlife Crises
- Channellettes y Hombre 2019
- Channelling Greatness
- Chapman Chicks, The
- Charity Channel Challenge
- Charity for Kids
- Charley & The Old Speedos
- Charlie's Channel Chicks
- Charlie's Channel Steamers
- Charlie's Crawlers / Deal Triathalon Squad
- Charlie's Deal Seals
- Charlie's Delights
- Cheeky Channel Champs, The
- Chelly's Jellies
- Chelmsford Swimming Club
- Cheltenham College Relay
- Cheltenham Swimming & Water Polo Club
- Chester Frosties 365
- Cheyne Gang, The
- Childbase Partnership
- Chilled Penguins
- Chilli Nutters
- Chiltern Tri
- Chiltern Tri Polar Bears
- Chiltern Tri Salty Seals
- China Male Crossing
- China Women Crossing
- Chingola Chasers
- Christmas Lake Club
- Chuckle Brothers
- Chunnel Vision
- Churchlands
- Churchlands Channel Chicks
- City of Brno Ladies
- City of Cardiff Long Distance Team
- City of Leicester Swimming Club
- City of Liverpool Relay Team
- City of London School for Girls
- City of Peterborough SC
- City of Rochester Swimming & Lifeguard Club
- City of Rochester Swimming Club
- City Sharks
- Clapham Chasers + 1
- Clissold Swimming Club
- Club Quokka
- Club Tropicana
- Coast Busters
- Coast to Cote
- Cold Comfort
- Cold Turkey
- Colman Family
- Colorado Ice Breakers
- Colorado Open Water Swimmers
- Colorado Swim Dogs
- Colorado/Kent Friendship Team
- Colwick Park
- Committee 2001
- Concord YMCA
- Condor Spoofers
- Continental Divide
- Cormorants 2
- Coronacoaster 2020
- Cosmic Rays
- Couch Potatoes
- Coventry Broolyn Bow
- Craig Fawr Tru and Multisports Club
- Crazy Canucks
- Crazy Crawlers
- Credit Suisse
- Credit Suisse First Boston
- Crewsing
- Crosoige Mara
- Cross Channel Fairies
- Crossley Carpets Ltd
- Crouching Tiger Swimming Dragons
- Croydon Amphibians
- CST 99 Japan
- CST Japan Team
- Cuchulainn
- Cuckoo Channel Relay
- Cumbrian Channel Crossers
- Cunningham Walker Relay
- Customs Dodgers
- Cycleforce
- Czech Republic Friendship Relay
- D
- D-Day
- Daisy's Doggy Paddlers
- Danger Ducks
- Dangerous When Wet
- Danskin Channelers (Ladies), The
- Dario's Fillies
- Darlington Three Muppets
- Dartford and Whiteoaks Triathlon Club
- Dawns Prawns
- Daytrippers
- De La Manche Al Canal
- Deal Tri Relay
- Deal Triathalon Squad
- Defis
- Deja Vu
- Demelza Redcaps
- Denstone College
- Derek Prince Ministries
- Deutsche Bank
- Devon and Cornwall Wild Swimming
- Devonport Ninjas
- Diabetes UK
- Die 5 Uberschwimmers
- Die Kanalratten (The Channel Rats)
- Disabled Swimming Team of Egypt
- DLG and ETSC
- Do Sport Tokyo
- Doble O Nada
- Dolphin Club Relay Team, The
- Dolphins
- Doncaster Channel Relay Team
- Doncaster Lifeguards Veterans Relay
- Dorchester Lifesavers Team
- Dorkshire Swimmers
- Dorset Desperadoes
- Dorset Dolphins
- Dorset Duo
- Dorset Jelly Dodgers
- Double Trouble
- Dover & Over
- Dover Clovers
- Dover Divas Kent Ladies Channel Team
- Dover Kaikyo Oudanbu
- Dover Lifeguards
- Dover Slurpers, The
- Dover Souls
- Dover Sports Complex
- Downhill Swimmers
- Dr Kat and the Jelly Dodgers
- Drifters, The
- Dubai Masters SC
- Dublin Fire Brigade
- Dublin Forty Footers
- Duck Fat and Speedos
- Dudes & Boobs
- Dunnottar School
- Dunottar School Girls Team
- Duo From Down Under
- Dust If You Must!
- Dutch Channel Swimmers
- Dutch Channel Swimming
- Dutch Ladies First
- E
- Earlys, The
- East Anglia Channel Swimmers
- East Coast Icicles
- East Devon Babes
- East Dorset Open Water Swimming Club
- East Kent School of Life Saving
- Eastbourne Masters
- Eastern Marathon Swimming Association/Nassau County Police
- Eastern Marathon Swimming Club Team
- Eastney Dippers, The
- Ecole Polytechnique
- Economy Class to France
- Eels
- Egypt Air Masters
- Egyptian Disabled Team
- Egyptian LDSF Juniors
- Egyptian Relay Team
- Egyptian Sports Federation for Disabled
- Eisschwimmen.com
- El-Treko
- Eltham Mermaids
- Eltham Training & Swimming Club
- England 5 - France 1
- English Channel 2000
- Epping Forest Channel Swimmers
- Epping Forest Flotsam
- Eric's Sharks
- Erith & District Swimming Club
- ESHT Channel Conquest
- Eton 2011
- Eton Carpe Diem Channel Challenge
- Eton College
- Etwall Eagles
- Evelina Children's Appeal
- Everton SA
- Everyone Loves Raymond
- Exchange Ladies Breast Stroke Relay, The
- Exercise Channel Sapper
- Exmouth Swimming & Life Saving Society
- Exmouth Swimming & LSS
- F
- FABS (France and Back Swimmers), The
- Faffing Frosties
- Famous 4
- Fantastic 4 Mexico
- Fantastic Four, The
- Farnham Frosties
- Fast
- Faster Than The Ferry
- Fatboy Swim
- Father & Son for The Uganda Project
- Fathers and Sons Quartet
- Feck It, Sure It'll Be Grand
- Felixstowe Swimscapes
- Femmes de la Manche
- Feniks
- Fenland Swimmers
- Ferry Dodgers
- Ferry Dodgers, The
- Ferry Fodder
- Fettes College Relay Team
- Fifty Something
- Fin-ternationals
- Finn McCool
- Fionn Uisce
- First All Australian National Relay Team
- First Mexican Relay
- First Russian Team, The
- Fish at Fleming
- Fish'N'Chicks
- Five For France
- Flippin' Mad
- Flipping Brilliant
- Flitwick Dolphins
- Floaters
- flOUSEies, The
- Fly to France
- Flying Doctors, The
- Flying Kangaroos, The
- Foireann Snamh Garibaldi
- Folkestone Sports Centre Relay Team
- Folkestone Swimming Club
- Force Six America
- Forces Childrens Swimmers
- Four Buoys and a Girl
- Four I's
- Four Seasons, The
- Four Skins
- Fourtitude
- Fraser Court Relay Team
- Freda's Fighters
- Freddie Fight Relay
- French Relay Team
- French-Cuban Relais
- Friends All Swimming Together
- Friends of Alfie Johnson
- Friendship Relay International
- Frome to France
- Frozen Cod
- Fujiyama Girls 2000
- Ful-on Tri
- Funk Seal Brothers, The
- FUNtastics
- G
- G.O.S.H. it's cold! Swimming the Channel Relay Team
- G29 Wild Swimmers Eastbourne
- Galashiels Swimming Club Relay
- Gangsta Grannies
- GAS, The
- Geelong Grammar School
- Geordies Shore to Shore
- Get Wet Get Kold Get Across
- Gilbert's Girls
- Girl Guides Association
- Girls Tri 2 Swim
- Glasgow University Swimming Club
- Glencore Channel Team
- Gloucester Pirates
- Go With The Flo
- Go With The Flow
- Goat & Hen
- Goodenough College (LGT)
- GOSH BG Swim Hero's Relay
- Grainnuaile
- Grand Ladies All Masters Team
- Gravesend & Northfleet SC
- Great Britain Fire Fighters
- Greater Manchester Police
- Gregg School Junior Team
- Griffins, The
- Grimsby Water Rats
- Grimsey's Adult Swimfit
- Guernsey Jelly Fish Dodgers
- Gulls Gone Wild
- Guns of Navarone, The
- Guy's Buoys
- H
- Haagse Bluf Team
- Hacettepe Universities Genclik ve Spor Kulubo
- Hackney Pirates
- Haileybury 2
- Hale Bopp Team
- Half Moon
- Halifax S C Ladies Relay
- Halstead Penguins
- Happy Dolphins
- Haring
- Harold's Revenge H&B RFC
- Hastings & St. Leonards Voluntary Lifeguard Club
- Hauck Family Relay Team, The
- Haven Hospices
- Hayley's Channel Relay Team
- Hayling Legends
- Heart Res FW Killer Whales
- Hemsley's
- Henley Mermaids
- Herne Bathers
- Heroic Six, The
- Het Y
- Hetzel's Texas Volunteers
- High Jinks
- High Ridge Comprehensive School
- High Speed Three ASC
- Hirsch Swim Team
- Hiscox Channel Swim Team
- Hoddes Who?
- Holy Cross College
- Home and Away
- Hong Kong Lawyers
- Honourable Aquatic Company, The
- Honu Para
- Honu Para Relay Team
- Hope for Guernsey
- Hot Flushes, The
- Hotel Bosco
- Hove Mermamas
- Howe Bridge
- Hubert House Heavenly Honeys
- Hubert House Horny Hunks
- Hydrographic Office Relay, The
- Hythe Swimming Club
- I
- I Will Not Complain
- IAA Sealions
- Icelandic Open Water Team
- IDCC Relay
- IJsselmeerbikkels
- ILDSA Leinster
- Ilkley Masters
- Imperial College
- In the Duck Poo
- In The Zone
- Indian Airforce Delphinus
- Indian Para Relay Team
- Inebolu Belediyesi Istiklal Mans Yuzme Takimi
- Insanediegans
- Intensive Swimming Team, The
- International 125th Year Relay
- International Relay
- Internationals, The
- Intersplashional Relay
- Irish Brothers Relay, The
- Irish Deaf Channel Swimmers
- Irish Team
- Irish Water Polo Players
- Is This The Way To Amaretto?
- Isonbo
- It Takes 2
- It's Kit's Fault
- Italian Dolphins
- ITV Channel Hoppers
- J
- J-Cloths
- J2O
- Janaki's Meantime Express
- Janthea Fusion
- Jaywick
- JBR Run & Tri Club Channel Relay Team
- Jeanette and Clare
- Jefferson Tide Riders
- Jelly Babies
- Jelly Dodgers
- Jellyfish
- Jersey Long Distance Swim Club
- Jitterbugs
- Jitterbugs, The
- JLR Ben
- JLS Swim The Channel
- Jodie's Hippos
- Jorg Buttner and Friends
- Julie Bradshaw IM Relay
- Julie Bradshaw's Girls
- Julie Bradshaw's Ladies
- Julie's Idea
- Jumbo Jets
- Junk and Croft
- Jura & Trois-Lacs
- Just Keep On Swimming!
- Just Swim It
- K
- Karl Beniston Channel Charity Relay
- KB Swimmers
- Keele Seals
- Keep It Relay
- Keighley Breast Stroke Channel Relay
- Keighley Relay Team
- Keio Hayama OB
- Keio Swim Club
- Kent Fire Brigade
- Killer Wales Heart Research
- Killerwhales
- King's High School Warwick
- Kingfish Channel Assualt Team
- Kingfishers
- Kingfishers Swimming Club
- Kings Lynn Gladiators
- Kings, Queens and Convicts
- Kingsdown Crawlers
- Knight Frank Relay
- KPMG Newcastle Channel Swim
- Krak-Again
- L
- La Grande Boucle
- La Manche Two
- LAA in the Channel
- Lada Ireland Junior Channel Team
- Ladies That Swim
- Ladove Medvede of Bratislova
- Lake Harriet Swim Club
- Lakeside Allsorts
- Lamorbey Training and Swimming Club
- Last Minute Larrys
- Last Minute.com
- Last of the Summer Waves
- Lavington
- Lavington Challengers Take 2
- Le GMP
- Lea/Birch Cake & Eat It
- Leeds Channel Swimming Team
- Leeds Cross Channel Team
- Leicester Fire Service
- LENS Team Relay
- Les Cinq Doris
- Les Escargots
- Les Francais Givres
- Les Manch'eaux
- Lesseas
- Let's Swim The Channel
- Leybourne Lovelies
- Libyan Swimming Team
- Lido Legends
- Like Lambs To The Water
- Lily and Teddy
- Limerick Masters Swimming Club
- Liney's Legends
- Lion, another Witch, and the same old Dryrobe, The
- Lir
- Liverblondes
- London Borough of Greenwich
- London Cabbies
- London Fire Brigade Team
- London Hospital Channel Team
- London Telecommunications Region ASC
- Lonely Jellies
- Los Nadadores
- Lou's Legend
- Loughton Pool
- Love 146
- Lunachicks
- M
- M R BATS Relay
- M&K Duo
- Mad Macs
- Madfish
- Magpies, The
- Malaysia B
- Mambo Ujasiri
- Manatees, The
- Manchetout
- Mandurah Mannas
- Marglyttur / Icelandic Jellyfish
- Margot's 50th Channel-versary
- Marital Bliss
- Mark Sawyer
- Marlin
- Marlow Buoy Relay
- Maroney Family Relay Team, The
- Marrow Environment Project
- Matt & Xanic
- Matt Brooker SOS (Siblings Only Swim)
- Maverick Pod
- May Contain Nuts
- Mayes' Mermaids
- Mc Swimmers
- Mean Machine
- Medicins Sans Fontieres
- Medley Relay Challenge - SwimQuesters
- Mel Watkins Challenge
- Melbourne WTHIF
- Mermaids
- Mexican American Family
- Michigan Masochists
- Microsoft Channel Team
- Mid Life Crises on the High Seas
- Mid Life Crisis
- Middlesborough LDS Club
- Middlesborough LDSC
- Mighty Mantas
- Mighty Mermaids
- Mile High Channel Hoppers
- Mind Your Head Oxford
- Minnesota Mix & Match
- Missed The Ferry
- Mná na Mara
- Mondrago Bay
- Moonheads
- More Will Than Way
- Morgan Stanley
- Motivation Channel Swim
- Moualla Family
- MSwim
- Mudanya municipality-Strokes4peace
- Mum's Gone Mad
- Munich Cricket Club Swimming Team
- Munster Mermaids
- Muriwai
- Mustard Midlanders
- My Swim
- Myatt and Leighton
- Myrtle Turtles
- Myrtlevilla Musketeers
- Myrtleville Selkies
- MySwim
- N
- Nageurs.com Team, The
- Nancy's Boys
- National Brain Appeal, The
- National Grid Ladies
- Naut To Cold
- Navan Channel Swimming
- Navy Swimming Association
- Near Naked Men, The
- Need for Speed
- Neil Kidde Relay
- Neville's Cross Battlers
- New York Athletic Club
- New York Harbour Seals
- New York Nadadores
- Newcastle University
- Newcastle University Medics
- Newman College SC Team
- Nieuwpoort Channel Relay
- Night Train
- Nippon Channel Swimming Team
- Nivarna Seas
- No Buoys Allowed
- No Ferry, No Problem
- Nomura Swimming Club, The
- Noriegas For Concebir
- North Dublin
- North London 4 NSPCC
- North Norfolk Crawler Chicks
- North Norfolk Crawlers
- North Norfolk Crawlers Sister Act
- North West Area Sea Cadets
- Northern and Nithered
- Northern Ladies Relay Team
- Not Now Ceto
- Not Over Until Dover
- Nottingham Leander
- Nottingham Leander Channel Team
- Nottingham University
- Numb Nuts, The
- Number 1 Varne Ridge Relay, The
- Nuttys, The
- NY Cancer Cure Team
- O
- Ocean Commotion
- Ocean Revival 2020
- Ocean Runners
- Ocean Swimmers
- Ocean Walker Warriors II
- Ocean's 4
- Oceans 4
- Oceans 6
- Oceans 7
- Odd Bods, The
- Offshore (Gallivant)
- Okanagan Lake Monsters
- Okuzawa
- Old Cormorants
- Olde Bangors, The
- Olympic Club
- Olympic Club of San Francisco
- Olympic Club of San Francisco, The
- Once More With Feeling
- One Big Family
- One Direction
- One Foot in the Wave
- One Old Fart and Two Young-uns (The Essence of Jim)
- One Wave or Another
- Optimists, The
- Ordinary 2 Extraordinary
- Oregon Quacks
- Orihime
- Otter Swimming Club
- Ou Est La France
- Oundle Channel Swim Team
- Oundle School
- Out Of Our Comfort Zone
- Out To Sea
- Out To Swim
- Over From Dover
- Over There! (1917)
- Over There! (2017)
- Overboard
- Overcome
- Overlord 70
- Oxford Channel Relay
- Oxford Masters
- Oxford Plastic Surgery Team
- Oxford University
- P
- Painters Ash Relay Team
- Pancrequatics, The
- Past Its
- Pastra Cretonaxiosa
- Patriots, The
- Patten Family
- Paul Harris, Ross Garnett, Joseph O'Gorman
- Paul Harris, Sean Collins, Chris Minall
- Paul Slattery Relay
- Penguins Ahoy
- Pennine Swimmers
- PentaGo
- Peter Lloyd 4 Man Relay
- Petit Frere
- Phoenicians SC
- Pieces of Eight
- Pierre-Emmanuel-Christine
- Pikekickers
- Pine Crest
- Pine Crest USA / Spencer UK Team
- Pink Ladies, The
- Pip's Channel Swim Team
- Pirate Teachers Association
- Pirelli General/British Transport
- Pittards Pioneers Relay Team
- Plons Channel Team
- Poar Bears
- Pocko's Stag
- Polar Bears, The
- Polar Capital
- Porthcawl Polar Bears
- Portland Dolphins
- Portsmouth & Southsea Life Guards Club
- Portsmouth Tri-ing The Channel...Again
- Portsmouth Warriors Water Polo
- Poseidon's Daughters
- Potter's Big Swim, The
- Power 2
- Powerful Mums Tokyo
- Poznania '93 Polish Relay Team
- Praga 3
- Pride of Rajastan, The
- Puddle Hoppers
- Puget Sound Swimmers
- PWRR Tiger Sharks
- PwSea
- Q
- Queens Park
- Queens University Belfast
- R
- Rabins Raiders
- Radcliffe Swimming Club
- RAF Swim Team
- Rays, The
- Razorbacks
- Red Hot Chilly Penguins
- Red Neck Yacht Club
- Red Top Arrows
- Red Top Bulls
- Red Top Channel Hop
- Red Top Chilli Peppers
- Red Top Cosmos
- Red Top Fighting Spartans
- Red Top Goal Diggers
- Red Top Hustlers
- Red Top Missiles
- Red Top Random Wonders, The
- Red Top Swim - Grimsey's Adult Swimfit
- Red Top's 1 Rose and 2 Thorns
- Redhill School
- Relay McRelayface
- Release the Kraken
- Remora Relay
- Repeat Offenders
- Rescatatadores de Suenos
- Return of the Fudgegate Fugitives
- Revi Channel Team
- Reza's Warriors
- Rhodes Women
- RNLI X/Channel Crawlers
- Roaring Forties, The
- Roberts Brothers
- Rod's Hut Swimming Club
- Romania
- Rotherham Bobby Lions
- Rotherham Channel Swimming Team
- Rotherham Neptunus S Club
- Rothwell Dolphins
- Royal Air Force
- Royal Holloway University Swimming Club
- Royal Mail (King Edward Building) Team
- Royal Marines
- Royal Military Academy Sandhurst
- Royal Navy
- Royal Regiment of Fusiliers
- Royal Tunbridge Wells Monson SC
- Royton Bluefins
- RPC Forman's House Team Eton College
- Rugby for Heroes
- Rykneld Swimming Club
- S
- Safe Hands Swimmers
- Salter & Son
- Salter and Son 2
- Salty Seagals
- Salty Swallowers
- Sammanish Valley Cycle International
- Samundra-Pari Q Gurkha Regiment
- San Francisco Dolphin Swim Team
- San Francisco Sun Risers
- Sandettie
- Sandycove PGA
- Sans Suit
- Sans Wimpsuit Quartet, The
- SASA East District
- Saudi Arabian Relay Team
- Sazanami Channel Relay
- Sazanami Relay Team
- Scanlan Clements Relay
- Scarborough Castle LDSC
- Scarborough Kingfishers
- School of Remedial Gymnastics Relay
- Schwimmbad. No, Really
- Scotland Relay
- Scottish ASA Senior Team
- Sea 6
- Sea Birds Channel Swimmers
- Sea Breezers
- Sea Gals
- Sea Hawks, The
- Sea Snails Swim Team
- Seabrook Space Cadets
- Seagals and Buoys
- Sealags
- Sean's Swim Club
- Seaquels
- Seas the Day
- Seegurken
- Selby Channel Swimming Team
- Septuagenarians, The
- Serco Sense
- Serco Superstars
- Serpentine RNLI Charity Relay
- Serpentine Swim Club
- Serpentine Swimming Club
- Serpentine Swimming Dragons
- Serpentine Veterans
- Sevenoaks Swimming Club
- SF Dolphin Club 2013
- Shamrock Sharks
- Shark-to-Arc
- Sharketts 222
- Shaw, McEwan, Royle, MacDougal
- Sheaf Valley British Heart Foundation
- Shingle Stompers, The
- Shirley Pool Seadogs
- Shore to Shore
- Should Know Better
- Shur Tis Only A Bit of Craic
- Sibling Revelry
- Silver Marlins
- Silver State Swimmers
- Silver Walking Sticks, The
- Sinbad Swimming Club
- Siorcanna Na Mumham
- Sir Slap-Out San
- Sirius
- Sister Act
- Sisters of Swim
- Sivota Sharks
- Six Jersey Beans With A Hint Of Ginger
- Six Man Relay
- Six on the Beach
- Six Pack
- Six Pleiades Team
- Six Sea Legs
- Six Swans a Swimming
- SJ & J
- Skinner's Dippers
- Sleaford Swimmers
- Sligo Long Distance Swimming Association
- Slough and Eton Dolphins
- Slow Ones, The
- SNC Channelling Positivity
- Snorbans Sloths
- Social Distancing Triple Dippers
- Solent Breast Stroke Relay
- Solent Swimming Club Relay
- Solo Wannabes
- Somerset Six
- Somerville
- Somewhere Over The Channel
- Sosuikai
- Soul Swimmers
- South Coast Strugglers
- South End Sea Nymphs
- South End Six
- South London Allsorts
- South London SC
- South Yorkshire Veteran Lifeguards
- Southend Sea Urchins
- Southern Right Aquatics
- Southern Water
- Southfield School Team
- Southfields Crawlers, The
- Southwold Jacks
- Spencer London Ladies
- Spencer Swin Team
- Spitalfields Market
- Splash & Dash
- Sport City Mexico
- Sportfanatic
- Sri Chinmoy Golden Jubilee Team
- Sri Chinmoy Marathon Team
- Sri Chinmoy Oneness Peace Team
- Sri Chinmoy Self-Transcendence
- St Bernadett's Youth Club
- St David's Big Swim
- St Georges Medics
- St Johns Beaumont
- St Mary's Hospital Relay
- St Pancras Amateur Boxing Club
- St Paul's and Colet Court
- St Richard of Chichister Boys' School
- St. Paul's Barnes Masters
- START Relay Team
- Stiletto Swimmers
- Stoke-on-Trent Channel Team
- Stratford School Girls Team
- Strokes For Earth
- Strokes for Strokes
- Stromin O'Gormans
- Stroud Lido International
- Stroud Masters
- Sudbury Channel Relay Team
- Sudbury Swimming Club
- Suffolk Swimscapers
- Sumitomo Bank Relay (All Male)
- Sumitomo Marine
- Sun Rice Australian Relay Team
- Sunny Lowry Anniversary Relay
- Sunshine Steyning
- SuperCallyFrigidDigitsExtraMaximDoses
- Surrey Uni Ladies
- Sutcliffe Channel Challenge
- SVK Women Relay
- Swim and Tonic
- Swim for James
- Swim for Kids
- Swim for Richard
- Swim Life Seagulls
- Swim Like A Fitz
- Swim Solutions
- Swim Tayka
- Swim4Good
- swimforSANDS
- Swimlife
- Swimming for Tom
- Swimming Minds
- Swimming Partnership Brazil 97
- Swimming Zebra, Hidden Jellyfish
- Swimmy McSwimface
- Swims Both Ways
- SwimTayka Brazil
- Swimtrek - Croatia
- SwimTrek Sea Lions
- SwimTrek Spartans
- Swinging Sixties
- Swinton Relay Team
- Syrian Amateur Swim Team
- T
- Tal Challenge
- Tallman Pools International Team
- Taunton Preparatory School
- Team 101
- Team 2 Zeer Oude Zwemmers
- Team Alopias
- Team Awesome
- Team Babyhouse
- Team BADD
- Team Bluefin
- Team Brasil 2017
- Team BraveHART
- Team Budgy
- Team Castle and Law
- Team Cedric
- Team Chum
- Team Comet
- Team Coral
- Team Doire
- Team Eilis
- Team Extreme
- Team FAB
- Team Floresca
- Team Force 6
- Team Forex
- Team FP
- Team Gaffney
- Team Gribble
- Team Harrison
- Team Honey Badger
- Team Horizon
- Team Hough
- Team HP
- Team Ichthyosaur
- Team Iryna International
- Team Jackson
- Team Lynda Jackson
- Team MAC
- Team Mace
- Team MAD
- Team Manatee
- Team ME Research UK
- Team Mexico 2011
- Team MSH
- Team Nicola
- Team NoChlorine
- Team Northwood
- Team of Worth
- Team Otter
- Team Outrageous
- Team Pentaforce
- Team Phoenix
- Team Plymouth
- Team Prendiville
- Team Qatar
- Team Reeves
- Team Richardhouse & Mondochallenge Nepal
- Team Saint-Amour
- Team Sakura
- Team Serps - Arch to Arc
- Team Shark Bait
- Team Sharkbait
- Team Shooter
- Team Sixpack
- Team Software Australia
- Team SOS
- Team Spirit
- Team STA
- Team Starrfish
- Team Swimmingly
- Team TACC
- Team Tiger
- Team Touch The Butt
- Team Tri UK
- Team Twenty Ten
- Team Twynham
- Team V5 Racing
- Team Viber
- Team Vigour
- Team West Suffolk
- Team X Dragons
- Teens On The Move
- Ten Degrees Latitude
- Tenacious Turtles
- Terra Australis
- Testing the Waters
- Texas/British Relay for Brotherhood
- Thane District AAA
- Thanet Seals
- They Lied And Told Me This Was A Fun, Warm Swim
- Thin Blue Line
- This Life Matters
- Three Birds And A Boat
- Three Channel Buoys
- Three Deaf Penguins
- Three Degrees
- Three Gulls and a Buoy
- Three Men and a Little Lady
- Three Monkeys, The
- Three Nations Friendship Relay
- TI Israel
- TI6
- Timken/Van Horn Family
- TM2
- To France and Bach
- To Paris with Love
- Toby Emerson / Marcus Hazlewood
- Toby's Angels
- Tod's Point
- Tokio Marine and Nichido Fire Team
- Tonbridge School
- Too Tight To Get A Ferry
- Tooting Bec
- Total Immersion
- Total Immersion in the English Channel
- Touch Both Sides
- Tough Twiglets
- Tower Records Multinational
- TPS Channel Titan
- Trafford Metro Masters Channel Relay Team
- Tralee Bay Masters
- Trans Channel Bullet
- Trans Pennine Channel Relay
- Transplant Team
- Travessia Balkis Canal da Mancha
- Trevor Mose / Matt Winchester
- Tri Gen Stars
- Tri To Swim The English Channel
- Tri-Quads
- Tri50
- Trifinity Titans
- Trinity School
- Trinity School Relay Team
- Trip
- Trouble
- TRUEfoods
- Truro Channel Swimmers
- TSCM Does the Channel
- Tsukuyo
- TTC Swordfish
- Tudor
- Tumbleweed 6
- Tunstalis, The
- TV Lemgo Channel Team, The
- Two + One
- Two + Two
- Two Fast and One Furious
- Two Nations Team
- Tyldesley S Club
- Tyne and Wear Fire Brigade Team
- U
- U Swim Manchester
- UBS / Soc Gen
- Umidama Relay
- Umihime Channel Relay (Sea Princesses)
- United Nations Relay Team
- United States of America Relay
- University of Bedfordshire
- University of Gloucestershire Water Polo Channel Relay Team
- University of St Augustine
- University of St. Augustine
- Untouchables, The
- US National Swim Team
- USwim 'Dover Souls'
- Uswim Dover Souls Team Bravo
- Uswim Dover Souls Team Foxtrot
- USwim Dover Souls Team Golf
- Uswim Team Hotel
- Uswim to France
- Uvenalis Swimming Club
- V
- Vertically Channelled
- Veterans "St Gillois" of Brussels
- Veterans Club Chateau St Annes
- Victoria Police Swimming Club
- W
- Wang Han Channel Team
- Warrington Dolphins
- Warrington Dolphins LDSC
- Warrington Dolphins Pacific
- Warrington Dolphins Southern
- Warwick School
- Warwick School / Kings High
- Warwick250
- Washed Up Quartet
- Water Buffalo Aquatic Team
- Water We Doing
- Waterbabes
- Waterproof
- Wave Runners
- Webbed Feet
- Webbs Wonders
- Well Able
- Well Able 2
- Wellington College
- Wellington College Pupils
- Welsh, The
- West 1 International
- West Aussie Double Crossers
- West Aussie Triple Crossers
- West Glamorgan Channel Team
- West Lothian Channel Swim
- West Wales Relay
- Western Counties ASA
- Westholme
- Wetnosers
- Wexford Masters Open Water
- Wheat From The Chaff, The
- Whitbybird
- Whitney's Wynners
- Wielkopolanka
- Wight Aquatics Relay
- Wightwash
- Wild Atlantic Masters
- Wild Geese
- Wildlifeliners
- WiLDS (Besley Chapter)
- Willi-Eeters, The
- Wilson School Relay
- Wimbledon and Merton Swimming Club
- Windermere Boyz Club
- Winging It
- Wings Big Swim
- Winter Solstice Society
- Winter Swimming Council
- Woodberry Down Boys Club Relay
- Worksop College Relay
- Worth Roman Catholic School
- Worth School 2011
- Wrong Direction
- X
- X-Traversee de la Manche
- Y
- Yasuda Fire & Marine Insurance Team, The
- Yfirlidid
- Yorkshire Cake Crusaders
- Yorkshire UAS
- Young & The Rest Of Us, The
- Young Ones, The
- Z
- Zac
- Zambezi Frog
- Zombies
- Zone 3 Victory Swim The Channel Relay
- ZRSDP Channel Swim 2011
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