Films and Photos of Lydden Village
16 September 2014
Lydden Village Hall, behind the Lydden Bell, Canterbury Road
7pm to 9pm
01304 823201
Everyone is welcome to the next meeting of the Lydden Heritage Group on Tuesday the 16th of September 7.00 - 9.00pm at the village hall. Tea and coffee provided; please bring your own popcorn!
Barry and Trevor Potts will be bringing along digitised Cine Films of the village. They will include: early 1960s sports day at the school, the disused allotments that The Close is now built on, general shots of the village from the 60s and the Silver Jubilee celebrations in 1977.
There will also be photos of Stonehall Colliery, Stonehall Halt and the railway gun. Also photos of the village from the 1970s.
For more info call Paul on 01304 823201