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Judging by the resurgence in banking profits this week ( Northern Rock being the exception) this would, I suggest, be a good time to invest in bank shares. I can see the green shoots of recovery underfoot and if anyone knows how to make money then these guys do. They also, as we are all too well aware, know how to lose money too....so note the volatility. But at this time and in the cyclical scheme of these things generally, I would venture that a few bob could be made by a canny investment in said banks right now.
Clearly though its a volatile market so the investment would not be for widows and orphans.
I used to play the stock market a bit way back in the heady 80's and early 90's and while you can make money you can also lose it just as quick. So dont take what Im saying as any kind of financial advice...but a gamblers whim perhaps!
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