The post you are reporting:
I have spoken with many in Castle Ward - most are saying to me that it is a good idea - fact - yes, I am in touch with my whole ward.
Mostly it appears to be basically fear of the unkown - fully understandable - and not knowing the full potential - many only know what has been in the local press - headline - 'Hundreds Oppose Big TV' for example and information from objectors.
As I said yesterday, I can see where objections are coming from and anticipated this so ensured that when I was advised of the proposition the Chairman of the Dolpghin House Residents Group and the Chairman of the Dover Society were asked to attend and both did albeit at short notice but that was the same for all of us. They were free to ask any questions they wanted to and listened to comments from all represented at the meeting including Kent Police.
Yes, to address the majoprity of issues, it will take detailed and serious managing but I'm sure it can be done and adjusted as things move along. I understand that screen content meetings will be very regular to discuss programming tailored to suit the Dover community.
I could walk round picking people who would object or vice versa to get an opioion - I don't and never will, I speak with people of all views - just as Sue says she does.
Yesterday afternoon I bumped into a guy who I have not seen for many years to speak with - old Dover lad - grew up in Dover - Aycliffe like me, who also thought what a good opportuntiy for Dover this is - he said that he wished he had the drive to get involved like I have to make a difference to our lot as he was fed up with seeing Dover as it currently is. He remarked how he loves taking his grandchildren to the new play area in Pencester Gardens - that was a gamble whether it could succeed and would it be what the youngsters wanted, an opportuntiy that was available to Dover, so we grabbed it - couldn't afford not too.
I am sorry that I am not in touch with Sue's family, apart from her great late husband, Paul, but she didn't mention how many of them lived IN Dover and whether they had read the full set of documents or just had her version.
My niece in Chester-le- Street thinks it is a fantastic idea for Dover - she, like me, was born in Dover where her roots still are - it was marriage that moved her to the North.
My old Mum, who lives just yards from the Market Square said it will be good to see some life in the town.
On the Watersport Centre - don't see how this is one of my misjudgements as I wasn't a Councillor when the suggestion to build it further along the sea front was turned down - if I recall correctly, is was mainly due to opposition from the every day swimmers - both Sue & I have an every day swimmer as a colleague who, from memory, was very much against it being there.