Well. FWIW. Here's Charlie's latest missive. It would appear that the DHB is on side?
Dear Constituent,
I am writing to you today in the hope that you will join with me to make Dover, the People's Port. I have tabled a detailed plan on the future of our port and my plan is that we, the people, should be allowed to buy the port. My aim is to put the future of our jobs and money in our community's hands.
People have been asking how we could find the money to pay for it. My answer is that it depends how we do it. First we could link up with a ports operator. The ports operator would take a concession to operate the port under the auspices of the community trust. The fee for the concession would, in effect, be the purchase price for the port. Second the community trust could itself raise cash to buy the port. It would issue Dovorian Bonds to the public and investors like pension funds. It would then engage a port operator to operate the port.
My plan is about more than just ensuring that the future of our port is safeguarded forever. There are other urgent priorities that people often raise with me. We have to get the port, ferry companies and community to work more effectively together. To take our local economy forward. Our community needs to see real benefit from the World class economic and transport facility that is on our doorstep. Dover needs to see real regeneration. We've been waiting 70 years. We've been waiting too long. It's time we saw some real action.
I know there are people who believe we can fight off the whole port privatisation thing. Deep down we all know that is not an option. If we do nothing, we will see our port flogged off by a nation financially on its knees. Acting now, together, is to grasp an opportunity that could transform our community.
We all know that the previous Government was so far advanced by the time of the election that the Minister's pen is even now hovering over the sale order. So I am delighted that the Harbour Board itself now tells us it supports this way forward. I look forward to them writing to the Transport Secretary accordingly. The prize for us all if we succeed is truly great - we would be able to tell our grandchildren how we changed Dover forever.
This is just the start of the discussion. I want us all to be involved. If the Minister is prepared to give our community the chance to own our port, an important step will be to put the proposal to a community vote. And I need your help on this, to tell me what you think and if you feel this would be a good idea, to let me know if you would be willing to help and make it happen.
To get in contact please do email me on
Best wishes,
Member of Parliament for Dover & Deal