Guest 696- Registered: 31 Mar 2010
- Posts: 8,115
It seems that all three mainstream parties accept that Britain should contribute 15% to every IMF loan.
This would imply that 15% of the world's national economic income comes to Britain! If France's economy is about the same as Britain's in terms of national economic income, that would bring us to 30 %. Germany has a larger national economic income, but even if we calculated 15%, and add 5% for Holland and Belgium, this brings us to 50%. If we gave Spain and Italy each 10%, we're at 70%. The Scandinavian countries together: Denmark, Finland, Sweden and oil-rich Norway, should account for 15%, bringing us to 85%. Canada, Australia and New Zealand, and Switzerland, could make up for the remaining 15%, totaling 100%. All this is calculating on the grounds that Britain should pay 15%.
So, what about the U.S.A, Japan, China, Saudi Arabia, other rich Golf States, Austria, Portugal, the very fertile eastern European countries, the tiger economies of the far East, oil rich Venezuela, oil rich Nigeria, Brazil, the flourishing Bahamas? The U.S.A alone would in theory be contributing at least three times more than Britain! It's obvious to see that Britain cannot possibly be expected to contribute 15% to any IMF loan, the sum being more likely 3%!
The three mainstream parties that claim to want to command over our economy and make awful and painful decisions do not have the guts to stand up and challenge insane agreements such as bankrupt Britain's contributions to any IMF loan, or to challenge the e.u. dictatorship over 27 countries including Britain, and in the name of the bankrupt e.u. anf "IMF obligations" seem about to dish out the British People's money to lavish bankrupt eurozone e.u. economies with billions of pounds! The fact that insane calculations as to what Britain should contribute do not correspond to any economic and mathematical logic, does not seem to bother them. But then, has anyone ever heard of politicians contributing to painful decisions by paying for them with their own salaries? These always are increased, it's always the others who in the end have to pay for their absurd decisions to ruin our Country!
Germany, the ideologist state of the eurozone policy, has opted out of paying up for eurozone bankruptcy, so, why not? Let Britain pay for it!
After all, we can all remortgage our houses and hand the money over, stop having children, and watch other women have children instead! AND, of-course, vote for one of these three parties with their politically correct salaries! And give in to mass immigration; after all, what do we need our houses for, when we'll lose them anyway!
howard mcsweeney1- Location: Dover
- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 62,352
alexander has a point, 15% seems rather a lot.
He has a point IF it is true. Where might we find the evidence?
Guest 655- Registered: 13 Mar 2008
- Posts: 10,247
It was pointed out recently Sid that our share of the IMF bailout of Greece is 15%. I dont know where these figures come from but they are tied in with international agreements over the formation and running of the IMF.
Guest 653- Registered: 13 Mar 2008
- Posts: 10,540
Then that is madness, absolute madness.
I know they say Charity begins at home and perhaps that's what we should do.
We give 15% of Greece's financial problem, what about all the other EU countries' contributions - and we aren't even in the Euro-zone.
This of course is on top of the overseas aid we give out, not including disaster fundings.
Guest 696- Registered: 31 Mar 2010
- Posts: 8,115
Roger, many thanks that you put in your authoritative view, which I find essential, and also to you Barry, for confirming what I wrote, and to Howard. The people who want to govern our Country in the three mainstream parties have not the guts to stand up to represent our Country in the face of international agreements made in the past by a British gov., and I believe that whoever comes in on Friday should reckon with people bringing forward points and requests and considerations, it is within common sense and freedom of speech. Please feel free to take up the cause on your own behalf, don't just leave it to me to do it all, I am limited, but if I have helped you in understanding some vital point concerning Britain's financial (imposed) liabilities, I am most glad to have done so!