The post you are reporting:
Ah, Chris, the issue I was addressing is that one aspect of a "boob-job" may be for women to feel they are more attractive to men. Bearing in mind some of what I said along similar lines about abortion in that same post, you'll see I'm simply pointing out the parallel.
I didn't misunderstand what you were saying, and I certainly didn't intend for you to think I might have been misrepresenting it. On the contrary, I think what you said was a very good point because it chimed with other aspects and revealed deeper considerations, beyond the immediately apparent of "sanitised" advertising.
Ross, indeed, a good point But I would question whether abortion is a good way (and it certainly isn't the only way) of preventing unwanted/unplanned pregnancies amongst young people, and exactly how does it help with STDs?
I'd question - what would the advertising of abortion do? Okay, there will be some people who will be thankful for that information, as they were not informed of this before. At the same time, there is the danger of suggesting that if you do slip up and begin a potential baby, then there's always the clinic. So it's not really a problem ...
I don't think abortion helps solve a problem, if there is one, of unwanted/unplanned pregnancies amongst younger people. Indeed, it has the potential for exacerbating it, and creating much further harm. It's women who carry the far greater burden in this, by the way - but at the same time, let's not forget the men who truly wanted and would have cared for completely the potential baby their lover nevertheless aborted.
Bern, we always seem to post simultaneously!