The Daily Mail on saturdays, the only day I buy it for the TV Guide, always has the most staggering stories of the weird but not always wonderful stuff that goes on here in the UK. Yesterday they carried a story about a woman who has been jailed for 6 months for fibbing on her CV. Yes unbelievable but true...fibbing on her CV. She is 29 years old and a former member of the Royal Navy yet despite this background she was given 6 months under the Fraud Act for falsely acquiring a humble £23,000 a year job.
Whats happening to society..I mean back in the old days everyone did a little bit of fibbing, a little bit of exagerating on their CV...thats if you even had a CV. Its a document in which you try to sell youself and your own abilities so what would an employer expect. He expects exagerations.
But not anymore, this is the first ever jail sentence administerd to someone lying on their if the jails are not full enough already. But...the indications are this wont be the last jail sentence dished out either under changes in the Law.
If ever there was a cause that highlighted a 'them and us' society then this is it. The higher up the socio-economic scale you go, the least likely you are to end in any kind of trouble.
Compare this simple offence with the woeful exagerations of former Government Minister Slimey Stephen Byers last week, he lied about almost everything on his CV...he lied about representing Tesco, he lied about representing National Express, he lied about being able to deliver Tony Blair...what will happen to him you ask....well, nothing at all!
The clear and obvious point of note here is that if you are going to lie...lie BIG!!
What was this sentenced woman's ultimate cardinal sin...well...she said she had 2 A levels when she didnt !!