The post you are reporting:
I read about awful things in society every day Paul.
Someone tries to stop muggers or burglars and they are arrested, not the burglar or mugger.
Young kids - boys and girls kicking someone's head in till it explodes - for fun.
All sorts of sickness in society, but no remedy; at least staying in prison for a long time will take them off the streets.
Prisons are full of people who shouldn't be in there - CV cheats for example, non-payers of council tax, tax cheats (take their money, sell their house) all sorts.
Foreign criminals, if or when found guilty of a crime, should be deported back to their own country - we were burgled back in January by a young guy from Albania, he wa sentenced last week - suspended sentence and a few hours on community service.
Every one who comes into the Country should know/be told, that if they commit a crime here, then back they go and no messing about with detention centres, where they walk around the Town anyway.
They need to know that there are are will be consequences to what they've done.