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They can afford it, chaps, because they took out insurance against being found out. Yes, rather than spend time and money protecting children and finding justice for victims, the Church took out expensive insurance against future law suits. Nice one, Rome. I am a Catholic, I find comfort and intellectual satsifaction in Catholicism, I am comfortable with the rituals and routines, the potential to question and delve into Spritiuality that I have not yet found in other religions - having been brought up a Catholic i am not, however, impartial! Childhood rituals embed. But that does not mean I am unable to deplore the devious and perverted way in which my Church colluded to destroy childhood for so many people. Shame on them and shame on their ethos. Now they can start to make some amends. It matters, though, that we also remember the positive things the Church and individuals in it can create.