Well Barry W, why not pop along and take a look some day? I had exactly the same worries when I was deciding to make the switch to Mac. After all, I have over a decade of "real career" dumped onto PCs, made on PCs, for PCs... but hardly any of it has been lost or rendered unusable by switching to Mac. The BIG pain with the switch is buying the one or two important bits of software that cost a fortune (for me, it was the Adobe creative software - over £2500) but once I got over the shock of spending this the rest was easy. Even the little daft things I enjoyed on PC such as MAME arcade gaming is available on Mac. The little media gadgets I loved on PC are all there too, either free or around twenty dollars (well cheap).
Would be very happy for you to try out NeoOffice on ANY files you've made in Microsoft Office. If it doesn't work (I have yet to find something that doesn't) then Microsoft Office is available on Mac but that's a bit like buying a brand new Porsche and then emptying a rubbish bin into it.