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My view as a pleb for what its worth, we have always had immigration, under all shades of Govts.
Its here to stay, Whilst I would agree people coming into the country should abide by British law, its the tolerance that comes into question.
If you talk to locals some have the opinion that immigrants must take the Bri-tish way of life, well thats NOT tolerating other faiths or beliefs, and so whilst others should respect the British way of life, in my humble opinion we should also respect others beliefs and faiths.
If people are found guilty who ever they are they shoiuld be dealt with, and if deported if it comes to the mpore violent cases.
I'm afraid the demonstration yesterday in the town where the army was returning was ill informed and im afraid it doesn't help the freedom of speech.
I do fight for everyones rioght to post/.protest but i feel those protesters yesterday did themselves no justice at all
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