The post you are reporting:
I agree that the cruise companies have a vested interest in selling expensive day-excursions to their passengers: for Dover see London, Canterbury, Leeds Castle etc. etc.
But and it is an important but, there are an increasing number of people - cruise passengers, who don't want to go on an organised expensive excursion, many more people now want to investigate that Port of Call - in our case, Dover.
After I had written to Kent Tourism about the Discover Dover leaflet being given out at the Cruise terminals, I received confirmation over the week-end that the English version of the Discover Dover leaflets can be given out by the Cruise Welcome Group to those passengers who are NOT going an a day-excursion, but are coming in to Dover; this is great news for all the historic sites and attractions and the businesses here as they only need to pick up one leaflet, to find out about Dover's history and shops, pubs, cafes and restaurants - there is no other leaflet that has all this information.
I would publicly like to thank Kent-Tourism for this permission.
The Cruise Welcome Group are told NOT to be pro-active and step out from behind their desk to welcome those passengers coming into Dover, because the Cruise companies (apparantly) feel this will be taking away their business.
This is most definitely NOT the case; the cruise passengers will already have made up their mind about whether to take a day-excursion or not and booked it if they are; those not doing so, should be given all the (pro-active) help possible, to ensure they have a good memorable stay here - and we're not doing anywhere near as much as we could and should.