The post you are reporting:
I have seen the programmes Ian and have been disgusted at the behaviour and that they get away with it for so long.
There is a will Howard, a strong will, but the (District) Council's Community Safety Unit HAVE to act within the law - and that is where the problem is - the law.
It's all well and good the Government saying they feel very strongly about this Anti-Social Behaviour, but the Council's hands are tied; sadly the reality is that the hard-cases can and do get away with their truly disgusting behaviour.
It takes so long to get anywhere, people give up and continue to suffer, many of them in extreme anguish and frustration, driving some of them, as we have seen, to suicide.
On this ASB, I could see fed-up groups of people sorting them (the perpetrators) out; as far as I am aware, it hasn't started yet. I'm not talking about the usual vigilante groups, but good neighbours rallying around to protect their attacked neighbours and stopping these kids from their activities.