The post you are reporting:
With regard to the opening thread, The memorial is run by volunteers, and is curently only manned at weekends, that is until March 1st when the shop area will be open seven days a week. While the gates are locked to prevent cars/campervan etc getting on site the side gate is always open so access can be gained on foot at any time, day or night. CCTV is in operation 24/7.
Yes, the two airframes are tired now, but plans are afoot to refresh them this year, the wing is going ahead, to be opened to the public in 2015. Other plans are in the pipeline for the replica Spitfire, this involved my going to Manston and getting into both the Spitfire and Hurricane to photograph the interiors of both, but more of that later!
I will be there again this year, from March 4th, I work there on Mondays, so why not pop in for a cuppa and a chat?
I will keep you all up to date as and when there is something of interest to report, like the flying days!