heard a whisper today whilst sleuthing for news that our old friends "sea chance" are organising a weekend in september to clean up the shakespeare beach.
i assume that said beach is in the same condition as i last saw it about 3 years ago, in which case they would need a team the size of the d day landing force to clean it up in two days.
having said that grateful thanks to them for making the effort.
Aww Anne - you brought back some memories there! When I was a kid we had a beach hut at Whitstable. We had lovely days there, mum would sit in the hut doing her knitting while us kids played on the beach and in the sea. We'd take a packed lunch with us too - happy days!
So I echo your question - why not?
There's always a little truth behind every "Just kidding", a little emotion behind every "I don't care" and a little pain behind every "I'm ok".
Now now come along ladies, this is our sea front your talking about.
Beach Huts! I think if this one got put in front of the DHB they would blow a gasket ( BG in particular ) and also you would not be able to afford one if they were available.