Keith/Howard, if Keith's mum retained the offending football might she not be accused of theft? At the risk of beign told I don't know what I'm talking about, isn't this a job for the local PCSO? If so, how does one go about getting them to the scene?
Bern, thanks for understanding what I was trying to say about investment.
Lastly, fully sympathise with those bringing up kids, whatever the age. I am still firmly in the pro-corporal punishment camp but confess to not using that weapon on my kids beyond the age of 4 or 5. By that stage they had learnt right from wrong and pretty much understood the list of sanctions that would land on their head if they continued to ignore the rules. Corporal punishment was the very last weapon, but they had to know it was there, and that it hurt (if only for few minutes physically and pride a bit longer).