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    DOVER is a great place to live and has a history second to none. I say this not as someone born here, but as someone who has lived in various areas of the country and chose to live in DOVER and have a family here. Our problem here is one of negativity. Yes, the White Cliffs are world famous and day trippers love the castle but why are we not encouraging them into and across the town. The Western Heights hold a range of history other areas could only dream of while having great views and amazing wildlife (lost if people start building monstrosoties on them). In the town centre we have the Roman Painted House and a range of beautiful churches, chapels and historic architecture. Why is it when a cruise ship pulls in they are ferried to Canterbury or beyond? When I spoke to a cruise passenger they were astonished to learn that it had once been a station and two thirds of the Dunkirk evacuees had passed through it. They wanted to know more so why is it not provided for them? The people of Dover are the best community I have ever lived in and we should all talk up the towns good points before the powers with 'higher agenda's' bury them in housing and ferries for the lorries.

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