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Bill took me under his wing over 30 years ago and helped and guided me over the years.
He showed me he can adapt and speak with people of all walks of life and put them at ease.
Bill was very active in his earlier years in the Labour party, sitting on the Executive and general committee's also holding many positions within Dover District council.
Also Mayor a number of times.
Bill was a well respected man, who had the respect of all the parties.
He chaired the District council for many years and had the talent of keeping cllrs in order whilst showing his humorous side as well.
I served with Bill on the District and County councils and it was a pleasure to be in his company.
Each month we would go into the local schools to talk to the children to try to get them engaged in politics, to watch him in action taught me so much.
There are never ending issues I could relate to with bill but heres just a few below;
When KCC decided they wanted to close St Rads primary school Bill got himself active, and where the controlling party had such a big majority it was an uphill struggle to keep the school open.
Bill set about the sub committee and managed to get support to have a wide consultation and meeting at the school. Only by having the respect of the controlling party was this able to be achieved.
His passionate speeches at the county council and District council everyone always sat up and listened.
I visited Bill only last week and although very frail, still wanted to tell me all about his party and his past.
Bill will always fight his corner, and look out for those that need help.
Bill was a gentle man but when he needed to make a point everyone knew this gentle man meant business.
Bill took me over to Calais once and he met the mayor of Calais who had a great following, in his usual way bill spoke to the Mayor in broken French, something the Calais Mayor loved.
This friendship continued outside of politics.
Bill is a very welcoming person, when he arranged to meet people from Norway, not only did he arrange the celebration, but invited many back to his house.
Politics and Labour has lost one of its best councillors/person
RIP Bill