Ah yes indeed lovely poster Ed...but perhaps not quite Nigel and Sue anymore. There's a fair chance that the rose coloured sheen has disappeared from their relationship...but you never know. It wouldnt be the first romance to revive itself !!
But to go back to the exhorbitant priced dinner...I think we all know that bugger-all business is made at events like this, its a giant guffawed well oiled extravagance and will make no difference whatsoever to Dover's future. Although Roger likes to think so, it really isnt the case. What really happens is that people are well fed, well sossled, well entertained, and at those prices dont want to be interupted or harassed by Paul Watkins or Bernard Butcher asking them about investing in our inner delapidation. You want to do business you take someone to lunch. So Sue will not need to eat her hat.(post 29)
As JohnHG mentions above in post 28, a table for DDC will cost the taxpayer in the region of £3000. There will be no return for that. Its a complete no-no in this current climate. If it goes ahead we will have to make sure we find out which cronies make it onto that table.