The post you are reporting:
I am finding it utterly amazing that Keef always manages to twist this type of topic into anti-Roger-the-Racist claptrap. But anyway...
I'm a bit bothered by the rise of the BNP, but I can sort of understand it too. When people feel suppressed (for example in an ultra-PC environment where free expression and debate is hampered by the desire not to appear offensive) then those same people WILL express themselves some other way, as mentioned above, at the balot box in this case.
But those (including me) who are alarmed and critical of this outcome is actually alarmed and critical of democracy. We can NOT condemn the choice of the people if it is the free will of the people to vote the BNP to power (in whatever capacity that means). After all, that's what democracy IS. The fact that people "know" who they're voting for means that the people are clearly very bothered about a lot of things in this country and the major parties would do well to pay close attention and not bury their heads in the sand and pretend it is a result of expenses scandals or trivial matters.
If people in the UK are really so fed-up with multiculturalism, the rise of Islam, immigration, cheap foreign labour, or the inability to have a sense of humour to the point that they are willing to cast a vote for a nationalist party then maybe it's time we did drop all the PC-bulls**t that chokes us to death and actually debate it and address it all properly. I don't offer any type of solution - that is for society to decide - but I do see the BNP votes as a loud cry by a million UK citizens that something major is very wrong in this country. It may even refer back to my older topic about why the UK is a crap place to live, and the idea that no positive British identity has been fostered ever since New Labour poured its do-gooder scum over this once proud nation (yeah yeah, I'm waiting for the "Maggie started it" comments). Maybe the BNP is the only party that currently expresses ideas of "national pride" that normal UK citizens understand. Maybe it is NOT about racism or nationalism for those who actually voted but about simple patriotism, albeit conducted in a misguided manner. We could be in a dangerous situation where patriotic individuals only have one means of "feeling" patriotic because no other alternative currently exists.